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 Fid Harnack collecting his prize from Aline Gowen in the 1950 West Mersea Town Regatta.

Ted Winfield amd Harry Stevens to left of Aline. John Shelton to right of Fid.

Used in Fid Harnack RSMA, published by Mersea Island Museum Trust. 
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->Regatta-->Pictures

Fid Harnack collecting his prize from Aline Gowen in the 1950 West Mersea Town Regatta.
Ted Winfield amd Harry Stevens to left of Aline. John Shelton to right of Fid.
Used in Fid Harnack RSMA, published by Mersea Island Museum Trust.
Date: August 1950      

Photo: Fid Harnack Collection
Image ID FID_002_019


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.