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 Barge HYACINTH in nearly her last resting place at Tollesbury late 1930s. The remains were removed to build Tollesbury Marina. Motor yacht ALDIC on the right. 
Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe Cat3 Yachts and yachting-->Motor

Barge HYACINTH in nearly her last resting place at Tollesbury late 1930s. The remains were removed to build Tollesbury Marina. Motor yacht ALDIC on the right.
Date: c1938      

Photo: Hervey Benham Collection - Douglas Went
Image ID HBC_001_015
Category 2 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe
Category 3 Yachts and yachting-->Motor


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.