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 East Mersea Post - Army Duty Roster. 16 December 1916 to 19 December 1916.

9.45pm Sentry reported fire about 400 yds. On investigation it proved to be a large heap of winnowings from thrashing machine on land farmed by Mr Roberts Mersea. Scattered & extinguished fire.

[ Mr Roberts was at Ivy Farm, East Mersea. ] 
Cat1 War-->World War 1 Cat2 Mersea-->East

East Mersea Post - Army Duty Roster. 16 December 1916 to 19 December 1916.
9.45pm Sentry reported fire about 400 yds. On investigation it proved to be a large heap of winnowings from thrashing machine on land farmed by Mr Roberts Mersea. Scattered & extinguished fire.
[ Mr Roberts was at Ivy Farm, East Mersea. ]
Date: 17 December 1916      

Photo: Mersea Museum
Image ID EMB_005
Category 1 War-->World War 1
Category 2 Mersea-->East


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.