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 Tollesbury School Group. Used in Tollesbury Past, figure 5, with the caption:

The British School. There was a choice of schools in the village. This shows the 50+ children attending the school held in the school reoom beside the Congregational Church - still referred to as the School Room. It cost 1d a week to send each child, with a maximum of 3d per family. 
Cat1 Tollesbury-->People

Tollesbury School Group. Used in Tollesbury Past, figure 5, with the caption:
The British School. There was a choice of schools in the village. This shows the 50+ children attending the school held in the school reoom beside the Congregational Church - still referred to as the School Room. It cost 1d a week to send each child, with a maximum of 3d per family.

Photo: Mersea Museum - Kevin Bruce
Image ID KBC_TOL_111
Category 1 Tollesbury-->People


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.