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 Remains of sailing barge MEMORY on Tollesbury saltings. The MEMORY came to Tollesbury for Fellowship Afloat. Before that she was moored at Bradwell Waterside, minus her rigging by then. Her gear was put into THALATTA when she was re-rigged, and is still active.

In the distance on the left is the former Ship Ahoy pub at the top of Old Hall Creek. 
Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Places-->Tollesbury

Remains of sailing barge MEMORY on Tollesbury saltings. The MEMORY came to Tollesbury for Fellowship Afloat. Before that she was moored at Bradwell Waterside, minus her rigging by then. Her gear was put into THALATTA when she was re-rigged, and is still active.
In the distance on the left is the former Ship Ahoy pub at the top of Old Hall Creek.
Date: 2007      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Kevin Bruce
Image ID KBC_TOL_201
Category 2 Places-->Tollesbury


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.