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 First phase of Co-op Supermarket in Barfield Road open, with Whitings shop next door. O. and E. Whiting & Son. Happy Shopper. The Cooperative Society had acquired Oscar Whiting's shop in October 1988 and were soon to expand their store over the whole site. 
Cat1 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

First phase of Co-op Supermarket in Barfield Road open, with Whitings shop next door. O. and E. Whiting & Son. Happy Shopper. The Cooperative Society had acquired Oscar Whiting's shop in October 1988 and were soon to expand their store over the whole site.
Date: November 1988      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Rose and Len Harvey Collection
Image ID LH53_048
Category 1 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.