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 Letter from War Office, Curzon Street House to Mrs E. Bibby

Dear Madam,

The enclosed photographs of the grave of your son, No. 899881 Gunner D.G. Bibby, 104 R.H.A., The Royal Artillery in Tobruk Cemetery, Libya have just been received and are forwarded for your retention.

[Donald George Bibby] 
Cat1 Tollesbury-->People Cat2 War-->World War 2

Letter from War Office, Curzon Street House to Mrs E. Bibby
Dear Madam,
The enclosed photographs of the grave of your son, No. 899881 Gunner D.G. Bibby, 104 R.H.A., The Royal Artillery in Tobruk Cemetery, Libya have just been received and are forwarded for your retention.
[Donald George Bibby]
Date: 13 May 1946      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Peter Bibby Collection
Image ID OOD_110_219
Category 1 Tollesbury-->People
Category 2 War-->World War 2


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.