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 A Study of the Strood by W.E. Duane. Chapter 7. Page 39.

The Boundaries of West Mersea and the Strood contd.

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... ¾ mile or thereabouts, thence running 4 miles in the direction east and west, thence running 1 ¾ miles north until it joins the high water mark or margin at or near Mersea Stone.

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And notice is given that it is ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Strood

A Study of the Strood by W.E. Duane. Chapter 7. Page 39.

The Boundaries of West Mersea and the Strood contd.

... ¾ mile or thereabouts, thence running 4 miles in the direction east and west, thence running 1 ¾ miles north until it joins the high water mark or margin at or near Mersea Stone.

And notice is given that it is intended to give Powers by the Act for the compulsory purchase of houses building, lands and hereditaments and to vary or extinguish certain rights and privilages connected with or in reference to the same, and to the lands reclaimed or the lands adjoining."

If this undertaking had come to fruition, this history would have finished here, as the Island would have been joined to the mainland, except for the Pyefleet. The East side of the Strood only would be open to the tide and the ancient customs which had continued since [Note 1] 'tyme out of minde', would have been extinguished.

This Act - a gross piece of land grabbing, if there ever was one - was in fact passed in 1852, but it's plans were not implemented, but in 1870 rumblings of this proposal were heard again. On 5th December, 1870 the South Essex Estuary and Reclamation Co. served a notice on Henry John May and another stating that application was being made to Parliament in the ensuing Session to revive the Powers granted in 1852, for the compulsory purchase of lands. The notice invites owners etc. to assent, dissent, or remain neuter to proposal, answer to be written on form and returned by 20th December. ...

Note 1 Trans. E.A.S. Vol.13 Page 82.

Date: 1965      

Image ID SOS_007_004
Category 1 Mersea-->Strood


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.