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 West Mersea School Headmaster John Thorpe and family. Girl standing in back row Annie Toone Thorpe aged 10.

Taken by the original school building.

The photograph and details are from Jill Jeffery (née Manthorp) who is a granddaughter of John Thorpe.

The 'old' school building is still there in 2013, now known as the Keay Building. 
Cat1 People-->School Cat2 Mersea-->Schools-->Pictures

West Mersea School Headmaster John Thorpe and family. Girl standing in back row Annie Toone Thorpe aged 10.
Taken by the original school building.
The photograph and details are from Jill Jeffery (née Manthorp) who is a granddaughter of John Thorpe.
The 'old' school building is still there in 2013, now known as the Keay Building.
Date: 1883      

Photo: Caroline Young
Image ID THP_003


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.