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 St Peter & St Paul West Mersea. Ring of Six Bells. Fitted for chiming

1. 1987 Whitechapel (New Bell)

2. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717 recast 1987 Whitechapel

3. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717

4. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717

5. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717

6. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717 recast 1966 Whitechapel

Old oak frame of 1717 restored June ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Buildings

St Peter & St Paul West Mersea. Ring of Six Bells. Fitted for chiming
1. 1987 Whitechapel (New Bell)
2. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717 recast 1987 Whitechapel
3. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717
4. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717
5. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717
6. Tho. Gardiner Sudbury Fecit 1717 recast 1966 Whitechapel
Old oak frame of 1717 restored June 1987

List is by T.B. Millatt, in the church tower.
Date: 28 April 2016      

Photo: Tony Millatt
Image ID TM7_4070
Category 1 Mersea-->Buildings


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.