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 Board walk timbers found off Coopers Beach. Wrapping timber 3 at Museum of London Archaeology. Scale drawings were done and then they were sent to Portsmouth for preservation. They eventually returned to Mersea for display in the Museum.

L-R Molly Dixon, Mark Dixon, Jane Dixon, Lawrence Northall, Oliver Hutchinson. 
Cat1 Mersea-->Beach Cat2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents

Board walk timbers found off Coopers Beach. Wrapping timber 3 at Museum of London Archaeology. Scale drawings were done and then they were sent to Portsmouth for preservation. They eventually returned to Mersea for display in the Museum.

L-R Molly Dixon, Mark Dixon, Jane Dixon, Lawrence Northall, Oliver Hutchinson.
Date: 31 March 2017      

Photo: Mersea Museum - CITiZAN
Image ID CZN_TBR_041
Category 1 Mersea-->Beach
Category 2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.