List of Mersea Boats and Crew page 1. List compiled by Ena French.
CHARITY Isaac & Isaac May
ELIZA Charles Stoker & Henry Cudmore
OAK William Hewes, Whitehead Mussett
IDA Alb. & William Mussett Geo. Woodward
SPRAY Alf & John Mussett, John & James Pullen
LIVELY Jas. & James Hewes, William Carter
MERSEA LASS Henry Hempstead, Arthur Cudmore, Albert Woolf
GYRENE Edward Mussett, Alf Woodward
ALLURE Sam & Jesse French, George Mole
ROVER William Gundy
JANE Arthur Owen, George Mussett
EXCUSE Isaac Pullen, Robert Cudmore, John Brand
MEHALAH George & John Appleby
ROSEBUD Herbert & Ruben Mussett, Ben Ennew
SARAH ANN Sidney Hewes, Clarke Carter
SEVEN SISTERS John Hewes jun., Alfred Woolf, H. Mussett
UNEXPECTED Wm Stoker snr. Charles Pullen, James Woolf
NEPTUNE Fred & Harry Banks, Geo Brand, B. Howard
TELEGRAPH Sam Gentry, James French, W.Slowgrove, Peter Moss
CHARLOTTE Henry. Sam & Charles Hewes, Thos. Mole
UNITY John & Tom French, G. Cudmore, T. Dwitt jun., Will Harvy
MONITOR Alf & Geo. Hempstead, A. Woodward
MARCH Geo. James & William Brand
OYSTER Thos. Dwitt George Mussett
DAISY William Pullen, Edward Ennew
BUTTERCUP Peter & Sam Pullen, Robert Southgate
JASEMMA John, Geo & Berty Hewes, Arthur Mussett, Vic Mole
PRIMROSE Geo & John Hewes, Arthur Ennew
PETREL Wm. Balls. Charles Cutts, A.Dwitt
VIOLET Ben & Jesse Pullen, Henry Cook
LILY Louis French, Sam Carter, Mark Brand, Herb French