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 Towing to start line from Maldon. Barry Pearce's steam tug CHRIANIE towing barge VIGILANT.

From slides produced for Molly Kennell's 90th Birthday 1 July 2011

CHRIANIE built 1944 by Richard Dunston, Thorne, as TID 107, Official No. 180300. 1973 acquired by Barry Pearce. Parts of vessel used to refit the TID 172, and 1975 broken up at Sittingborne, Kent. 
Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Ships and Boats-->Tugs Cat3 Places-->Maldon

Towing to start line from Maldon. Barry Pearce's steam tug CHRIANIE towing barge VIGILANT.
From slides produced for Molly Kennell's 90th Birthday 1 July 2011
CHRIANIE built 1944 by Richard Dunston, Thorne, as TID 107, Official No. 180300. 1973 acquired by Barry Pearce. Parts of vessel used to refit the TID 172, and 1975 broken up at Sittingborne, Kent.
Date: c1973      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Richard Kennell Collection
Image ID MOL_B90_016
Category 3 Places-->Maldon


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.