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 Barque ESSEX, Blackwaller, Gravesend. Swimmie barge alongside.
Believe this ESSEX was built 1862 as full rigged ship for Money Wigram, Official No. 45025. Sold 1880 to C B Walker and converted to barque rig. She was lost 1881. This would date the photograph 1880-81. 
Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Places-->Thames Cat3 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Sailing

Barque ESSEX, Blackwaller, Gravesend. Swimmie barge alongside. Believe this ESSEX was built 1862 as full rigged ship for Money Wigram, Official No. 45025. Sold 1880 to C B Walker and converted to barque rig. She was lost 1881. This would date the photograph 1880-81.
Date: c1881      

Photo: Hervey Benham Collection
Image ID HBC_007_004
Category 2 Places-->Thames
Category 3 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Sailing


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.