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 SOLVIG. 64 gross ton Swedish Galeas built Raa in south of Sweden in 1926. In 1966 she was bought by Captain Peter Light of West Mersea and converted for charter work. [Sea Breezes May 1966 p317]

cApr 1967 Peter Light died in his early 30s. He had had six seasons with the smack SALLIE which he sold to Colchester Scouts. [SB May 1967 p322]

cAug 1967 SOLVIG was on Burridge's slip at ...
Cat1 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Sailing

SOLVIG. 64 gross ton Swedish Galeas built Raa in south of Sweden in 1926. In 1966 she was bought by Captain Peter Light of West Mersea and converted for charter work. [Sea Breezes May 1966 p317]
cApr 1967 Peter Light died in his early 30s. He had had six seasons with the smack SALLIE which he sold to Colchester Scouts. [SB May 1967 p322]
cAug 1967 SOLVIG was on Burridge's slip at Ramsgate. Owner Mrs Janet Light, Skipper Rodney Hucklesby. [SB Sept 1967 p645]

It is believed she was later wrecked on the African Coast.

Photo: Mersea Museum - Keith Mussett Collection
Image ID MSK_OPA_001
Category 1 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Sailing


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.