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 West Mersea Church Gazette page 7.

Hair Cutting Rooms. Patronised by the Officers of the Garrison and Leading Families of the County.

F.W. Richards Ladies and Gentlemen's Hairdresser.

Hair brushing by Electricity. 

Ladies own hair combings made up.

Herbert C. Brown, tailor. 
Cat1 Books-->Church Gazette

West Mersea Church Gazette page 7.
Hair Cutting Rooms. Patronised by the Officers of the Garrison and Leading Families of the County.
F.W. Richards Ladies and Gentlemen's Hairdresser.
Hair brushing by Electricity.
Ladies own hair combings made up.
Herbert C. Brown, tailor.
Date: January 1899      

Photo: Heather Haward Collection
Image ID WMCG_1899_001_041
Category 1 Books-->Church Gazette


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.