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 Letter from Harris William Hoy to Ivy Hoy. Page 2.


them as you should do, you will be quite alright and they will make a woman of you. Take my tip my 
dear sister, I don't run around about the roads like a little kid and after soldiers, just see if you can walk about 
in a respectful manner, and keep yourself straight. I know I shall if I ever get home to dear old Blighty ...
Cat1 Families-->Hoy

Letter from Harris William Hoy to Ivy Hoy. Page 2.

them as you should do, you will be quite alright and they will make a woman of you. Take my tip my dear sister, I don't run around about the roads like a little kid and after soldiers, just see if you can walk about in a respectful manner, and keep yourself straight. I know I shall if I ever get home to dear old Blighty again.

I had a letter from Brother Ernie (?) this morning, and a parcel from mother which I enjoyed very much, especially the cake as it was a Sunday night and we had a good tea as we should in Blighty. Well I suppose Harry is out here, France. Well I have not a lot to say there (????) I'm scribbling this in the trenches. Well I must close now, so goodbye.

With best love,
From (???) love B. Will xxxx

Transcribed by Heather Haward's family

Date: 22 November 1916      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Julie Rison
Image ID HWH_109_004
Category 1 Families-->Hoy


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.