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 Wedding of Paul Vogel and Kathy Clarry (Negus) at West Mersea Parish Church

Back row L-R 1. Paul's brother ?, Paul Vogel, Kathy Clarry, Vicky Negus (Kathy's sister)

Front 1. Marion Vince, 2. Judy Farthing, 3. Janet Farthing 
Cat1 Families-->Farthing

Wedding of Paul Vogel and Kathy Clarry (Negus) at West Mersea Parish Church
Back row L-R 1. Paul's brother ?, Paul Vogel, Kathy Clarry, Vicky Negus (Kathy's sister)
Front 1. Marion Vince, 2. Judy Farthing, 3. Janet Farthing
Date: 2 September 1954      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Alan Smith Collection
Image ID ALS_NEG_005
Category 1 Families-->Farthing


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.