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 Semprini opening Mersea Museum

L-R Peter French - Trustee, Stanley Hills, Myrtle Hills, Semprini. 

Photograph used in Evening Gazette 13 September 1976, with caption Mr Peter French, chairman of the trustees of Mersea Museum, receives the deeds from the donor of the museum, Mr Stanley Hills. Also in the picture are Mrs Myrtle Hills and Semprini who performed the opening ceremony. 
Cat1 Museum-->History Cat2 Families-->French Cat3 Museum-->Publicity

Semprini opening Mersea Museum
L-R Peter French - Trustee, Stanley Hills, Myrtle Hills, Semprini.
Photograph used in Evening Gazette 13 September 1976, with caption "Mr Peter French, chairman of the trustees of Mersea Museum, receives the deeds from the donor of the museum, Mr Stanley Hills. Also in the picture are Mrs Myrtle Hills and Semprini who performed the opening ceremony".
Date: 11 September 1976      

Photo: Mersea Museum
Image ID MF05_010
Category 1 Museum-->History
Category 2 Families-->French
Category 3 Museum


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.