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 Barge MAY FLOWER at Bradwell Quay. Postcard 63296.

The photograph demonstrates very well the need for the large posts on the quayside. An empty barge of slight draught could so easily drift up on an extra high tide and get stranded on the quay. The posts were there to prevent this happening. [RG].

Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Places-->Bradwell

Barge MAY FLOWER at Bradwell Quay. Postcard 63296.
The photograph demonstrates very well the need for the large posts on the quayside. An empty barge of slight draught could so easily drift up on an extra high tide and get stranded on the quay. The posts were there to prevent this happening. [RG].

Date: c1920      

Photo: Ron Green Collection
Image ID RG07_003
Category 2 Places-->Bradwell


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.