- sorted by ID

Found 4 images - displaying 1 to 4

1. ID MLD_COT_001 The fisherman's cottage, Mersea Museum.
Cat1 Museum-->Exhibition Views Cat2 Museum-->Publicity

1. The fisherman's cottage, Mersea Museum.
Date: June 2011
Image ID MLD_COT_001

2. ID MLD_COT_003_COTTAGE10 Mersea Museum - the Cottage.
Cat1 Museum-->Exhibition Views Cat2 Museum-->Publicity

2. Mersea Museum - the Cottage.
Date: June 2011

3. ID MLD_COT_004 Mersea Museum - inside the Cottage, the fisherman mending a net.
Cat1 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents Cat2 Museum-->Publicity

3. Mersea Museum - inside the Cottage, the fisherman mending a net.
Date: June 2011
Image ID MLD_COT_004

4. ID MLD_COT_005 Mersea Museum - the kitchen table inside the Cottage.
Cat1 Museum-->Exhibition Views

4. Mersea Museum - the kitchen table inside the Cottage.
Date: June 2011
Image ID MLD_COT_005
