- sorted by ID

Found 15 images - displaying 1 to 15

1. ID PBA_058_KKK John Whybrow - son, Jack Whybrow - father, Floss the dog.
Photo 58K.
Cat1 Birch-->People

1. John Whybrow - son, Jack Whybrow - father, Floss the dog.
Photo 58K.
Image ID PBA_058_KKK

2. ID PBA_058_LLL Tony Smith, Hardy's Green, Birch. 1949 ?
Photo 58L.
Cat1 Birch-->People Cat2 Birch-->Hardy's Green

2. Tony Smith, Hardy's Green, Birch. 1949 ?
Photo 58L.
Date: c1949
Image ID PBA_058_LLL

3. ID PBA_058_MMM Jim and brother Wilf Pulford.
Photo 58M.
Cat1 [Not Set] Cat2 Birch-->People

3. Jim and brother Wilf Pulford.
Photo 58M.
Image ID PBA_058_MMM

4. ID PBA_058_NNN Mary Wayman.
Photo 58N.
Cat1 Birch-->People

4. Mary Wayman.
Photo 58N.
Image ID PBA_058_NNN

5. ID PBA_058_OOO Alice Wayman, 8 Priory Cottages, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Photo 58O.
Cat1 Birch-->People

5. Alice Wayman, 8 Priory Cottages, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Photo 58O.
Image ID PBA_058_OOO

6. ID PBA_058_PPP Tom Wayman left, with John Whybrow or Mervyn Pulford.
Photo 58P.
Cat1 Birch-->People

6. Tom Wayman left, with John Whybrow or Mervyn Pulford.
Photo 58P.
Image ID PBA_058_PPP

7. ID PBA_058_RRR Birch Street, late 1930s.
Diane Pettican, Daphne Whybrow, Joan Pettican.
Photo 58R J.B.
Cat1 Birch-->People

7. Birch Street, late 1930s.
Diane Pettican, Daphne Whybrow, Joan Pettican.
Photo 58R J.B.
Date: c1938
Image ID PBA_058_RRR

8. ID PBA_058_SSS Grace Burmby, Horace Burmby.
Diane Pettican, Joan Petticcan, friend.
Photo 58S E.B. / J.B.
Cat1 Birch-->People

8. Grace Burmby, Horace Burmby.
Diane Pettican, Joan Petticcan, friend.
Photo 58S E.B. / J.B.
Image ID PBA_058_SSS

9. ID PBA_058_TTT Essex Show 1947, Birch Hall Park.
Photo 58T2 P.A.
Cat1 Birch-->Hall Cat2 Birch-->Events

9. Essex Show 1947, Birch Hall Park.
Photo 58T2 P.A.
Date: 1947
Image ID PBA_058_TTT

10. ID PBA_058_TTU Essex Show, Birch Hall, 1947.
Photo 58T1 P.A.
Cat1 Birch-->Hall

10. Essex Show, Birch Hall, 1947.
Photo 58T1 P.A.
Date: 1947
Image ID PBA_058_TTU

11. ID PBA_058_UU1 Waiting for a rabbit. Binder at work. Harvest at Beckingham Hall, Birch. 1930s / 1940s.
Photo 58U1 J.W.
Cat1 Farming

11. Waiting for a rabbit. Binder at work. Harvest at Beckingham Hall, Birch. 1930s / 1940s.
Photo 58U1 J.W.
Date: c1940
Image ID PBA_058_UU1

12. ID PBA_058_UU2 Harvest - tractor and binder. David Macauley on binder and Jack Pepper on Case tractor. Birch.
Photo 58U2 J.W.
Cat1 Farming Cat2 [Display on front screen] Cat3 [Display on front screen]

12. Harvest - tractor and binder. David Macauley on binder and Jack Pepper on Case tractor. Birch.
Photo 58U2 J.W.
Image ID PBA_058_UU2

13. ID PBA_058_VVV Nora Pepper, Jean Pepper, Jack Pepper, outside Stablefields, Hardy's Green, Birch. 
Photo 58V J.W.
Cat1 Birch-->Hardy's Green

13. Nora Pepper, Jean Pepper, Jack Pepper, outside "Stablefields", Hardy's Green, Birch.
Photo 58V J.W.
Date: J.W.
Image ID PBA_058_VVV

14. ID PBA_058_WWW Alice Wayman, about 1946. 8 Priory Cottages, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Photo 58W.
Cat1 Birch-->Hardy's Green

14. Alice Wayman, about 1946. 8 Priory Cottages, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Photo 58W.
Date: c1946
Image ID PBA_058_WWW

15. ID PBA_058_ZZZ Nancy Whybrow, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Cat1 Birch-->Hardy's Green

15. Nancy Whybrow, Hardy's Green, Birch.
Date: c1949
Image ID PBA_058_ZZZ
