Images for Mersea-->East - sorted by ID

Found 216 images - displaying 1 to 30  -  page 1.

1. ID BJ04_081 East Mersea ? Rewsall
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East

1. East Mersea ? Rewsall
Image ID BJ04_081

2. ID BJ06_049 Mrs Johnson's Cottage in Crabs Lane off Meeting Lane, East Mersea. Rosie Bird's great grandmother. They were the home of the Chapman family. See  ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East Cat4 [Display on front screen]

2. Mrs Johnson's Cottage in Crabs Lane off Meeting Lane, East Mersea. Rosie Bird's great grandmother. They were the home of the Chapman family. See ...
Image ID BJ06_049

3. ID BJ61_018_004 East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Ida Leggett née Frost
2. Norman Carter (organist)
3. Barbara Mears
4. Revd. ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East

3. East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Ida Leggett née Frost
2. Norman Carter (organist)
3. Barbara Mears
4. Revd. ...
Date: cDecember 1952
Image ID BJ61_018_004

4. ID BJ61_018_005 East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Phillip Lale
2. George Frost
3. ? Cowell
4. Roy Bloomfield
5. John ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

4. East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Phillip Lale
2. George Frost
3. ? Cowell
4. Roy Bloomfield
5. John ...
Date: cDecember 1952
Image ID BJ61_018_005

5. ID BJ61_018_010 East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Mrs Fred Pullen
2. Mrs D. Leggett
3. Mrs Wopling
4. Mrs Richer
5. Mrs Corke ? ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East

5. East Mersea Children's Christmas Party, around 1952.
1. Mrs Fred Pullen
2. Mrs D. Leggett
3. Mrs Wopling
4. Mrs Richer
5. Mrs Corke ? ...
Date: cDecember 1952
Image ID BJ61_018_010

6. ID BOXB5_015_021 52 years ferrying and still going strong. Mr Mole, who has ferried ... from East Mersea to ... and back for 52 years, takes a rest from cleaning his boat, ...
Cat1 Places-->Brightlingsea Cat2 Places-->Colne Cat3 Places-->Colne Cat4 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

6. 52 years ferrying and still going strong. Mr Mole, who has ferried ... from East Mersea to ... and back for 52 years, takes a rest from cleaning his boat, ...
Date: 15 July 1933
Image ID BOXB5_015_021

7. ID BS01_001 East Mersea Golf Club. The two Honorary Secretaries with the Challenge Cups - Mr Bishop and Barbara Mears.
Cat1 Mersea-->Golf Club Cat2 Mersea-->East

7. East Mersea Golf Club. The two Honorary Secretaries with the Challenge Cups - Mr Bishop and Barbara Mears.
Image ID BS01_001

8. ID BS01_008 Opening of full 18-hole course at Mersea Golf Club.
Abe Mitchell (St Albans) putting on the 9th green, the new Club House can be seen in the background.
Cat1 Mersea-->Golf Club Cat2 Mersea-->East

8. Opening of full 18-hole course at Mersea Golf Club.
Abe Mitchell (St Albans) putting on the 9th green, the new Club House can be seen in the background.
Date: 5 April 1929
Image ID BS01_008

9. ID BS01_017 East Mersea Golf Club
Brigadier General R. Beale Colvin C.B. the Lord Lieutenant of Essex (in the centre of steps of new Club House) announcing the new ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Golf Club Cat2 Mersea-->East

9. East Mersea Golf Club
Brigadier General R. Beale Colvin C.B. the Lord Lieutenant of Essex (in the centre of steps of new Club House) announcing the new ...
Date: 5 April 1929
Image ID BS01_017

10. ID CAC_1978_FEB_P14 The Wreck in Colne, by R.J.E. Ellis.
The story of the S.S. LOWLANDS which was torpedoed near the Girdler Sandbank 18 March 1916. She was beached on Mucking ...
Cat1 Disasters and Mishaps-->at Sea Cat2 Places-->Colne Cat3 Places-->Colne

10. The Wreck in Colne, by R.J.E. Ellis.
The story of the S.S. LOWLANDS which was torpedoed near the Girdler Sandbank 18 March 1916. She was beached on Mucking ...
Date: February 1978
Image ID CAC_1978_FEB_P14

11. ID CHS_029 Reverend East of East Mersea with his family. Revd. East was at East Mersea 1957 to 1973 and West Mersea from 1957 to 1971.
Cat1 Mersea-->East

11. Reverend East of East Mersea with his family. Revd. East was at East Mersea 1957 to 1973 and West Mersea from 1957 to 1971.
Image ID CHS_029

12. ID CMA_007 East Mersea Ferryman - Mr Horatio Mole of East Mersea who will shortly complete half a century of service as ferryman at East Mersea. He crosses at all times ...
Cat1 Families-->Mole Cat2 Mersea-->East

12. East Mersea Ferryman - Mr Horatio Mole of East Mersea who will shortly complete half a century of service as ferryman at East Mersea. He crosses at all times ...
Date: c1931
Image ID CMA_007

13. ID CN1936-MAY30_P04_001 Kiddiesland. One more dream come true.
Mr Ingram's Mersea Gift brings joy to the slus.
A charming idea will be realised on June 20, when Lady Emmott ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Youth Camp Cat2 Mersea-->East

13. Kiddiesland. One more dream come true.
Mr Ingram's Mersea Gift brings joy to the slus.
A charming idea will be realised on June 20, when Lady Emmott ...
Date: 30 May 1936
Image ID CN1936-MAY30_P04_001

14. ID COR2_020_001 Surviving earthworks of the East Mersea Blockhouse Fort. Taken from the seawall looking south.
Cat1 Mersea-->Buildings Cat2 Mersea-->East

14. Surviving earthworks of the East Mersea Blockhouse Fort. Taken from the seawall looking south.
Date: 2011
Image ID COR2_020_001

15. ID COR2_020_003 The Blockhouse Fort at East Mersea. 
Drawing: Cudmore Grove Country Park / Essex County Council.
Cat1 Mersea-->East Cat2 Mersea-->Buildings

15. The Blockhouse Fort at East Mersea.
Drawing: Cudmore Grove Country Park / Essex County Council.
Image ID COR2_020_003

16. ID CPK_EMP_001 East Mersea Parish Church - East Window in memory of Ernest Arthur Lazarus Barlow. c1920.
    After the end of the Great War 1914 - 1918 the family of ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Buildings Cat2 Mersea-->East

16. East Mersea Parish Church - East Window in memory of Ernest Arthur Lazarus Barlow. c1920.

After the end of the Great War 1914 - 1918 the family of ...
Date: 2019
Image ID CPK_EMP_001

17. ID CW2_EAS_004 Paper on Mersea Island read by Dr Philip Laver at AGM of Essex Archaeological Society, page 2. 
East Mersea Camp.
Cat1 Museum-->Papers-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->East

17. Paper on Mersea Island read by Dr Philip Laver at AGM of Essex Archaeological Society, page 2.
East Mersea Camp.
Date: 26 April 1923
Image ID CW2_EAS_004

18. ID CZN_021 A structure that has appeared from the mud to the east of the Blockhouse Fort near East Mersea Stone. The stakes are substantial - some are a metre high. They ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Beach Cat2 Mersea-->East

18. A structure that has appeared from the mud to the east of the Blockhouse Fort near East Mersea Stone. The stakes are substantial - some are a metre high. They ...
Date: 15 August 2016
Image ID CZN_021

19. ID DC3_026 East Mersea looking southeast, with East Road going up from centre to left and North Farm Lane from centre to bottom left (to Colchester Oyster Fishery).
Cat1 Aerial Views-->Mersea Cat2 Mersea-->East

19. East Mersea looking southeast, with East Road going up from centre to left and North Farm Lane from centre to bottom left (to Colchester Oyster Fishery).
Date: c1981
Image ID DC3_026

20. ID DIS2003_EMF_011 Coopers Beach. Touring caravans parked on the west side of the tennis court, behind where the clubhouse now stands. There are chalets far right.
From ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East

20. Coopers Beach. Touring caravans parked on the west side of the tennis court, behind where the clubhouse now stands. There are chalets far right.
From ...
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_011

21. ID DIS2003_EMF_012 Coopers Beach - an aerial view in the 1950s.
Development started in the 1930s when chalets in the front row were built for £75. During WW2 the site ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

21. Coopers Beach - an aerial view in the 1950s.
Development started in the 1930s when chalets in the front row were built for £75. During WW2 the site ...
Date: 1950s
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_012

22. ID DIS2003_EMF_031 School House and Hall 1910.
The village school was recorded as having places for 80 children with the average number of pupils being 37. The Schoolmaster ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

22. School House and Hall 1910.
The village school was recorded as having places for 80 children with the average number of pupils being 37. The Schoolmaster ...
Date: 1910
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_031

23. ID DIS2003_EMF_061 Coronation Villa, East Mersea, 1906.

The home and shop of the Underwood family was built in 1902. Robert Underwood ran his carrier business from the ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

23. Coronation Villa, East Mersea, 1906.
The home and shop of the Underwood family was built in 1902. Robert Underwood ran his carrier business from the ...
Date: Before 1910
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_061

24. ID DIS2003_EMF_062 Robert Underwood in 1927. 
Here seen sitting on one of his carts nicknamed 'The Rocket' when he was 80 years old. The bugle was used as a signal to ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

24. Robert Underwood in 1927. Here seen sitting on one of his carts nicknamed 'The Rocket' when he was 80 years old. The bugle was used as a signal to ...
Date: 1927
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_062

25. ID DIS2003_EMF_071 East Mersea Rectory 1905. 
This house stood opposite Church Lane and was demolished in 1927 by local builder Clifford White who built a new rectory on the same ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East

25. East Mersea Rectory 1905. This house stood opposite Church Lane and was demolished in 1927 by local builder Clifford White who built a new rectory on the same ...
Date: 1905
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_071

26. ID DIS2003_EMF_072 Kiddiesland from the sea. Kiddiesland was developed during the 1930s to provide a permanent site for children from London to spend their holidays. In addition ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

26. Kiddiesland from the sea. Kiddiesland was developed during the 1930s to provide a permanent site for children from London to spend their holidays. In addition ...
Date: c1936
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_072

27. ID DIS2003_EMF_081 East Mersea School.
1:? Lord 2: Sid Pullen 3: Winnie Cudmore 4: Joyce Marriage 5: Elsie Pudney 6: Peggy Partridge 7: Joyce Marriage 8:( Tad) Austin 9:? ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East Cat4 People-->School

27. East Mersea School.
1:? Lord 2: Sid Pullen 3: Winnie Cudmore 4: Joyce Marriage 5: Elsie Pudney 6: Peggy Partridge 7: Joyce Marriage 8:( Tad) Austin 9:? ...
Date: 1928
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_081

28. ID DIS2003_EMF_082 East Mersea School in the 1930s.
L-R 1: Phyllis Richer 2: Joyce Marriage 3: Elsie Goodrum 4: Harold Johnson 5: Maurice Johnson 6: Charles Farthing 7: ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

28. East Mersea School in the 1930s.
L-R 1: Phyllis Richer 2: Joyce Marriage 3: Elsie Goodrum 4: Harold Johnson 5: Maurice Johnson 6: Charles Farthing 7: ...
Date: c1926
Image ID DIS2003_EMF_082

29. ID DIS2004_EME_011 Home Farm, East Mersea. The farmhouse was demolished in the 1950s, roof tiles from the house were re-used on the present bungalow. Postcard 101902.
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East Cat3 Mersea-->East

29. Home Farm, East Mersea. The farmhouse was demolished in the 1950s, roof tiles from the house were re-used on the present bungalow. Postcard 101902.
Image ID DIS2004_EME_011

30. ID DIS2004_EME_013 Bromans Farm, East Mersea. Note the brick oven built against the external white wall.
Probably Mrs Hilda Page and daughters Diana and Elizabeth in the ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Mersea-->East

30. Bromans Farm, East Mersea. Note the brick oven built against the external white wall.
Probably Mrs Hilda Page and daughters Diana and Elizabeth in the ...
Date: 1930s
Image ID DIS2004_EME_013
