Images for Families-->Mussett - sorted by ID

Found 301 images - displaying 1 to 30  -  page 1.

1. ID ALN_FIR_001 The Fire Brigade parade at the funeral of Gordon Mussett at West Mersea.
Includes Oscar Whiting, Jim Mussett, Claude Green, Godfrey Allen.
Cat1 Mersea-->Fire Brigade Cat2 Families-->Mussett

1. The Fire Brigade parade at the funeral of Gordon Mussett at West Mersea.
Includes Oscar Whiting, Jim Mussett, Claude Green, Godfrey Allen.
Date: October 1952
Image ID ALN_FIR_001

2. ID ALN_FIR_013 West Mersea firemen are quiz champions. Photographs G. Allen, A. Garnham, J. Mussett, W. Beament and L. Harvey. Second picture has L.A. Mills and O.J. ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Fire Brigade Cat2 Families-->Mussett

2. West Mersea firemen are quiz champions. Photographs G. Allen, A. Garnham, J. Mussett, W. Beament and L. Harvey. Second picture has L.A. Mills and O.J. ...
Date: 21 February 1958
Image ID ALN_FIR_013

3. ID ALN_FIR_015 West Mersea Fire Brigade's team of five who won the Essex County Brigade's quiz for Retained Firemen in Chelmsford.
L-R Gordon Allen, Alec Garnham, Joe ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Fire Brigade Cat2 Families-->Mussett

3. West Mersea Fire Brigade's team of five who won the Essex County Brigade's quiz for Retained Firemen in Chelmsford.
L-R Gordon Allen, Alec Garnham, Joe ...
Date: 17 February 1958
Image ID ALN_FIR_015

4. ID ALN_JNO_003 West Mersea Fire Brigade - Fordson Thames fire engine GLC534 being replaced with new Dodge 758JNO. Outside the Melrose Road Fire Station.
L-R 1. Oscar ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Fire Brigade Cat2 Families-->Mussett

4. West Mersea Fire Brigade - Fordson Thames fire engine GLC534 being replaced with new Dodge 758JNO. Outside the Melrose Road Fire Station.
L-R 1. Oscar ...
Date: April 1957
Image ID ALN_JNO_003

5. ID AN03_004_005 West Mersea School All II
Back row 1., 2., 3. Bill Cole.
3rd row 1. Mrs Davis (teacher), 2., 3. Donald Thorp., 4., 5., 6. Billy 'Rat' D'Wit, 7. Walter ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Schools-->Pictures Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

5. West Mersea School All II
Back row 1., 2., 3. Bill Cole.
3rd row 1. Mrs Davis (teacher), 2., 3. Donald Thorp., 4., 5., 6. Billy 'Rat' D'Wit, 7. Walter ...
Date: 1920
Image ID AN03_004_005

6. ID AN13_016_005 Wedding of Sgt James Argent and Winifred Joan Mussett
L-R 1. Joan Pullen, 2. Elgar Mussett, 3. Valerie Farthing, 4. ?, 5. James Argent, 6. Joan Mussett, 7. ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett

6. Wedding of Sgt James Argent and Winifred Joan Mussett
L-R 1. Joan Pullen, 2. Elgar Mussett, 3. Valerie Farthing, 4. ?, 5. James Argent, 6. Joan Mussett, 7. ...
Date: 7 August 1943
Image ID AN13_016_005

7. ID ANC_001 Peter Moss Mussett, born on 6 December 1878 at West Mersea, his mother was Caroline Mussett (born 1856 - died 1937) no father's name for Peter's birth ...
Cat1 Families-->Mussett Cat2 War-->World War 1

7. Peter Moss Mussett, born on 6 December 1878 at West Mersea, his mother was Caroline Mussett (born 1856 - died 1937) no father's name for Peter's birth ...
Date: 1901
Image ID ANC_001

8. ID AOF_SLH_005 A History of Court Sailor's Home West Mersea No. 5105 A.O.F. 1867 - 1967 by Sybil Brand. Page 3.
The first register was written by Wm. H. Cooke between ...
Cat1 Museum-->Papers-->Other Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett

8. A History of Court Sailor's Home West Mersea No. 5105 A.O.F. 1867 - 1967 by Sybil Brand. Page 3.
The first register was written by Wm. H. Cooke between ...
Date: 1867
Image ID AOF_SLH_005

9. ID BJ24_001 Bert Mussett. West Mersea Hard
Cat1 Smacks and Bawleys Cat2 Families-->Mussett

9. Bert Mussett. West Mersea Hard
Image ID BJ24_001

10. ID BJ24_027 Regatta. Joe Mussett and his son Melvyn
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

10. Regatta. Joe Mussett and his son Melvyn
Image ID BJ24_027

11. ID BJ24_033 Bill Mussett and grandson Melvyn (son of Jo Mussett). West Mersea Town Regatta
Cat1 Families-->Mussett Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

11. Bill Mussett and grandson Melvyn (son of Jo Mussett). West Mersea Town Regatta
Image ID BJ24_033

12. ID BJ24_045 Bill Mussett, father of Bert and Joe. West Mersea Town Regatta
Cat1 Mersea-->Regatta-->Pictures Cat2 Families-->Mussett

12. Bill Mussett, father of Bert and Joe. West Mersea Town Regatta
Image ID BJ24_045

13. ID BJ46_001_001 Sport at West Mersea. All these birds were shot by Uncle Tuddy Cook by punt gun. 
As compensation for the loss of oysters, wild fowl are now coming to hand ...
Cat1 Families-->Mussett Cat2 Wildfowling

13. Sport at West Mersea. All these birds were shot by Uncle Tuddy Cook by punt gun.
As compensation for the loss of oysters, wild fowl are now coming to hand ...
Image ID BJ46_001_001

14. ID BJ48_004_001 GRADING OYSTERS is always a cold job, but recently Mr Fred Pullen and Mr George Milgate at West Mersea had to clear ice away before they could lower the oyster ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett

14. GRADING OYSTERS is always a cold job, but recently Mr Fred Pullen and Mr George Milgate at West Mersea had to clear ice away before they could lower the oyster ...
Date: 17 February 1956
Image ID BJ48_004_001

15. ID BJ61_013_002 Pixie left of centre, Freda Keene left of centre looking to her right [RG].
Third from left back Bertha D'Witt [HH].
Dorothy Carter (Mussett) in check ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Families-->Mussett

15. Pixie left of centre, Freda Keene left of centre looking to her right [RG].
Third from left back Bertha D'Witt [HH].
Dorothy Carter (Mussett) in check ...
Date: c4 August 1952
Image ID BJ61_013_002

16. ID BJ61_013_007 Left Jen Jopson, Syd Greenleaf, Tom Waylett (Police sgt) Mrs Pinky and Pinky Hewes, Mrs Gordon Mussett, Les and Pam Phillips, 'Ike' King [RG].
Aubrey ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett Cat4 Families-->Greenleaf

16. Left Jen Jopson, Syd Greenleaf, Tom Waylett (Police sgt) Mrs Pinky and Pinky Hewes, Mrs Gordon Mussett, Les and Pam Phillips, 'Ike' King [RG].
Aubrey ...
Date: 4 August 1952
Image ID BJ61_013_007

17. ID BJ61_013_008 Ivan 'Ike' King with arms folded, Roger & Richard King, Daphne Hewes centre dark blazer, Mrs Gordon Mussett (old lady) Jane Mussett, Bill Hart centre back 3rd ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett

17. Ivan 'Ike' King with arms folded, Roger & Richard King, Daphne Hewes centre dark blazer, Mrs Gordon Mussett (old lady) Jane Mussett, Bill Hart centre back 3rd ...
Date: 4 August 1952
Image ID BJ61_013_008

18. ID BJ61_015_037 Left Mr & Mrs Peter Vince - she has flowered dress, he is smoking pipe. Next to right of them in flat cap Archie French, next at back Tom Farthing, Bert Mussett ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Families-->Mussett

18. Left Mr & Mrs Peter Vince - she has flowered dress, he is smoking pipe. Next to right of them in flat cap Archie French, next at back Tom Farthing, Bert Mussett ...
Date: cAugust 1953
Image ID BJ61_015_037

19. ID BJ62_015_011 Marie Mussett. Wyatt's Chandlery, West Mersea.
Cat1 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses Cat3 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

19. Marie Mussett. Wyatt's Chandlery, West Mersea.
Date: 1959
Image ID BJ62_015_011

20. ID BJ77_001 To Willoughby J. Bean, Esq., The Firs, Wests Mersea.
At a General Meeting of the Dredgermen of West Wersea, and their Friends of that parish, held in the ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers Cat2 Families-->Mussett Cat3 Families-->Mussett

20. To Willoughby J. Bean, Esq., The Firs, Wests Mersea.
At a General Meeting of the Dredgermen of West Wersea, and their Friends of that parish, held in the ...
Date: c1895
Image ID BJ77_001

21. ID BJ80_070_121 Bert Mussett on the left and Joe Mussett on the right.
Cat1 Smacks and Bawleys Cat2 Families-->Mussett

21. Bert Mussett on the left and Joe Mussett on the right.
Image ID BJ80_070_121

22. ID CEM_BFD_0352_003 In Sweet Memory of Evelyn Ruth Mussett
who passed away Feb 24th 1934 aged 25 years.
Redvers Alexander and Baden Powell Mussett.
Sleep ...
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

22. In Sweet Memory of Evelyn Ruth Mussett
who passed away Feb 24th 1934 aged 25 years.
Redvers Alexander and Baden Powell Mussett.
Sleep ...
Date: 29 November 2019
Image ID CEM_BFD_0352_003

23. ID COR_2018_SEP29_P30_001 David William Mussett BEM. Moey
7 March 1938 - 6 August 2018
It is with great sadness that Dorothy and family announce the sudden passing of a ...
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

23. David William Mussett BEM. "Moey"
7 March 1938 - 6 August 2018
It is with great sadness that Dorothy and family announce the sudden passing of a ...
Date: 6 August 2018
Image ID COR_2018_SEP29_P30_001

24. ID CW5_BES_043 80th Birthday Party for Bessie Dixon at White Hart.
Jim Mussett, Joe Mussett, Aubrey Greenleaf.
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

24. 80th Birthday Party for Bessie Dixon at White Hart.
Jim Mussett, Joe Mussett, Aubrey Greenleaf.
Date: 15 July 1992
Image ID CW5_BES_043

25. ID DB18_001 West Mersea School - Beatty Ship
Back row L-R 1., 2., 3., 4. Syd Milgate, 5. Len Pullen, 6. Pug Greenleaf, 7., 8., 9. Mr Wilkinson Headmaster
Second ...
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Mersea-->Schools-->Pictures Cat3 Mersea-->Schools-->Pictures Cat4 Families-->Mole

25. West Mersea School - Beatty Ship
Back row L-R 1., 2., 3., 4. Syd Milgate, 5. Len Pullen, 6. Pug Greenleaf, 7., 8., 9. Mr Wilkinson Headmaster
Second ...
Date: 1936
Image ID DB18_001

26. ID DCA_001 Royal Observer Corp marching in the parade during Wings for Victory Week. Herbert Marrow is in the centre of the picture, in the centre of the leading ...
Cat1 War-->World War 2 Cat2 Families-->French Cat3 Families-->French

26. Royal Observer Corp marching in the parade during Wings for Victory Week. Herbert Marrow is in the centre of the picture, in the centre of the leading ...
Date: 23 May 1943
Image ID DCA_001

27. ID DEP_GOW_003 Gowens at West Mersea in the early or mid 1960s. 
Back row Harold Field, Claude Green, John Benns, Beat Green, Colin Anstey, John Wareing, Vic Pullen, ...
Cat1 Ship and boat building, sailmaking Cat2 Families-->French Cat3 Families-->French Cat4 Families-->Mussett

27. Gowens at West Mersea in the early or mid 1960s.
Back row Harold Field, Claude Green, John Benns, Beat Green, Colin Anstey, John Wareing, Vic Pullen, ...
Date: c1963
Image ID DEP_GOW_003

28. ID DGA_011 Cleghorn Isle of Mersea photograph. The back is marked David Mussett 1875.
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

28. Cleghorn Isle of Mersea photograph. The back is marked David Mussett 1875.
Image ID DGA_011

29. ID DHL_001 Abram Clark 'Clarkie' Mussett (1874 - 1963) and Bill Wyatt, in the Social and Sailing Club.
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

29. Abram Clark 'Clarkie' Mussett (1874 - 1963) and Bill Wyatt, in the Social and Sailing Club.
Date: 1950s
Image ID DHL_001

30. ID DHL_003 Abram Mussett, Bob South, Gus Gentry, in the Social and Sailing Club.
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

30. Abram Mussett, Bob South, Gus Gentry, in the Social and Sailing Club.
Date: 1950s
Image ID DHL_003
