Images for Families-->Green - sorted by ID

Found 383 images - displaying 1 to 30  -  page 1.

1. ID AN02_006_001 Emily Pullen née Green. Post war photograph.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

1. Emily Pullen née Green. Post war photograph.
Date: After 1945
Image ID AN02_006_001

2. ID AN02_009_017 Rue and Emily Pullen née Green
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

2. Rue and Emily Pullen née Green
Image ID AN02_009_017

3. ID AN02_010_011 Geoff and Violet Green
Cat1 Families-->Green

3. Geoff and Violet Green
Date: 1945
Image ID AN02_010_011

4. ID AN03_004_005 West Mersea School All II
Back row 1., 2., 3. Bill Cole.
3rd row 1. Mrs Davis (teacher), 2., 3. Donald Thorp., 4., 5., 6. Billy 'Rat' D'Wit, 7. Walter ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Schools-->Pictures Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

4. West Mersea School All II
Back row 1., 2., 3. Bill Cole.
3rd row 1. Mrs Davis (teacher), 2., 3. Donald Thorp., 4., 5., 6. Billy 'Rat' D'Wit, 7. Walter ...
Date: 1920
Image ID AN03_004_005

5. ID AN03_011_005 Emily Pullen née Green
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

5. Emily Pullen née Green
Image ID AN03_011_005

6. ID AN03_014_001 West Mersea Town Regatta. Greasy Pole.
In the third boat from the right (to the left of the pram dinghy that appears to be sinking).
L-R 1. Great Uncle ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Regatta-->Pictures Cat2 Families-->Green

6. West Mersea Town Regatta. Greasy Pole.
In the third boat from the right (to the left of the pram dinghy that appears to be sinking). L-R 1. Great Uncle ...
Date: August 1949
Image ID AN03_014_001

7. ID AN06_002_015 Sailing 1. Emily Pullen née Green, 2. Joan Pullen, 3. Rue Pullen, 4. Doreen, 5. Norman Ward
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

7. Sailing 1. Emily Pullen née Green, 2. Joan Pullen, 3. Rue Pullen, 4. Doreen, 5. Norman Ward
Date: 1951
Image ID AN06_002_015

8. ID AN08_011 Some Crew
Joan Pullen, Geoff Green, Violet Green née Mole
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Mole Cat3 Families-->Mole

8. "Some Crew"
Joan Pullen, Geoff Green, Violet Green née Mole
Date: 1946
Image ID AN08_011

9. ID AN08_013 I see no ships
PEDRO, West Mersea. Joan Pullen, Violet Green née Mole.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

9. "I see no ships"
PEDRO, West Mersea. Joan Pullen, Violet Green née Mole.
Date: 1946
Image ID AN08_013

10. ID AN08_015 On the Bridge, 1st Watch
Joan Pullen, Violet Green
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

10. "On the Bridge, 1st Watch"
Joan Pullen, Violet Green
Date: 1946
Image ID AN08_015

11. ID AN08_017 A couple o'mermaids
Joan Pullen, Violet Green née Mole. Mersea Hard.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat3 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat4 Families-->Mole

11. "A couple o'mermaids"
Joan Pullen, Violet Green née Mole. Mersea Hard.
Date: August 1941
Image ID AN08_017

12. ID AN08_019 The Four Stooges
Joan Pullen, Violet Mole ( m Geoff Green ), Lorna Mills ( Tarran ), Cynthia Cudmore ( North ). Mersea Hard.
Lorna and Cynthia ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat3 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat4 Families-->Cudmore

12. "The Four Stooges"
Joan Pullen, Violet Mole ( m Geoff Green ), Lorna Mills ( Tarran ), Cynthia Cudmore ( North ). Mersea Hard.
Lorna and Cynthia ...
Date: 1941
Image ID AN08_019

13. ID AN13_008_001 Sidney Eric Green and Ivy Florence Seaman were married at Birch Church 3 June 1939.
L-R 1. Joan Pullen, 2., 3. Sidney Green, 4. Ivy Seaman, 5. Leonard ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

13. Sidney Eric Green and Ivy Florence Seaman were married at Birch Church 3 June 1939.
L-R 1. Joan Pullen, 2., 3. Sidney Green, 4. Ivy Seaman, 5. Leonard ...
Date: 3 June 1939
Image ID AN13_008_001

14. ID AN13_010_009 Bestman Tom, George Pullen, Edna Pullen, Geoff Denne, Wendy Pullen, Barbara, Ann Ward, Dilys Maylor.
Wedding of Wendy Elizabeth Pullen and Geoffrey Ernest ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

14. Bestman Tom, George Pullen, Edna Pullen, Geoff Denne, Wendy Pullen, Barbara, Ann Ward, Dilys Maylor.
Wedding of Wendy Elizabeth Pullen and Geoffrey Ernest ...
Date: 16 September 1972
Image ID AN13_010_009

15. ID AN13_014_001 Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church. Violet and Geoff Green are on the right.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

15. Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church. Violet and Geoff Green are on the right.
Date: 3 June 1972
Image ID AN13_014_001

16. ID AN13_015_003 Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church.
Norman, Ann and Joan Ward left of centre.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green

16. Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church.
Norman, Ann and Joan Ward left of centre.
Date: 3 June 1972
Image ID AN13_015_003

17. ID AN13_029_001 Emily Pullen outside Beeches, now 26 Victory Road. Number 22 next door, where the Ward family eventually lived, is yet to be built.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

17. Emily Pullen outside "Beeches", now 26 Victory Road. Number 22 next door, where the Ward family eventually lived, is yet to be built.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN13_029_001

18. ID CRI_001 V.E. Day Party near the Council Houses in Dawes Lane. The party was in the field to the east of Brierley Hall, where Mary Smith (Crisp) was born. Mary says she ...
Cat1 Families-->Green

18. V.E. Day Party near the Council Houses in Dawes Lane. The party was in the field to the east of Brierley Hall, where Mary Smith (Crisp) was born. Mary says she ...
Date: cJune 1945
Image ID CRI_001

19. ID DB11_013_001 Dorothy Brown - presentation at the Co-op in Mersea. Dorothy Brown on the left and Geoff Green on the right.
This Co-op was on the corner of Kingsland Road ...
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses Cat3 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

19. Dorothy Brown - presentation at the Co-op in Mersea. Dorothy Brown on the left and Geoff Green on the right.
This Co-op was on the corner of Kingsland Road ...
Date: October 1979
Image ID DB11_013_001

20. ID DB11_013_003 Presentation a West Mersea Co-op on retirment of Geoff Green, the Branch Manager. He is cutting the cake. Dorothy Brown is second from left.
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses Cat3 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

20. Presentation a West Mersea Co-op on retirment of Geoff Green, the Branch Manager. He is cutting the cake. Dorothy Brown is second from left.
Date: October 1979
Image ID DB11_013_003

21. ID DB11_015 Event not known.
L-R 1. Geoff Green, 2. Dorothy Brown, 3. Eileen Brown, 4. ?, 5. ?
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Families-->Green

21. Event not known.
L-R 1. Geoff Green, 2. Dorothy Brown, 3. Eileen Brown, 4. ?, 5. ?
Image ID DB11_015

22. ID DB11_025 Wedding of Vic French and Joyce Green at the Methodist Church in Mill Road. Joyce's father was Cliff Green, brother of Geoff.
Cat1 Families-->French Cat2 Families-->Green

22. Wedding of Vic French and Joyce Green at the Methodist Church in Mill Road. Joyce's father was Cliff Green, brother of Geoff.
Date: 1950
Image ID DB11_025

23. ID DB11_027 Wedding of Vic French and Joyce Green at West Mersea
Cat1 Families-->French Cat2 Families-->Green

23. Wedding of Vic French and Joyce Green at West Mersea
Date: 1950
Image ID DB11_027

24. ID DB18_007 Wedding of Carol Ann Jenkins and Colin Stannard at West Mersea Parish Church.
L-R 1. Dorothy Brown, 2., 3., 4. Colin Stannard, 5. Carol Jenkins, 6., Geoff ...
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Families-->Green

24. Wedding of Carol Ann Jenkins and Colin Stannard at West Mersea Parish Church.
L-R 1. Dorothy Brown, 2., 3., 4. Colin Stannard, 5. Carol Jenkins, 6., Geoff ...
Date: 15 June 1974
Image ID DB18_007

25. ID DB18_021 Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church. Violet and Geoff Green are on the right.
Cat1 Families-->Green Cat2 Families-->Mole

25. Wedding of Janyce Green and Anthony John Wilks at West Mersea Parish Church. Violet and Geoff Green are on the right.
Date: 3 June 1972
Image ID DB18_021

26. ID DEP_GOW_015 Gowens sailmakers. 
Back Fred French, Ernie Ponder, ?n. 
Front Ernie Ponder (with his tongue out!), Beattie Green.
Cat1 Ship and boat building, sailmaking Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green Cat4 Families-->French

26. Gowens sailmakers. Back Fred French, Ernie Ponder, ?n.
Front Ernie Ponder (with his tongue out!), Beattie Green.
Image ID DEP_GOW_015

27. ID DEP_GOW_023 Gowens sailmakers.
Fred French, Beattie Green, Ernie Ponder.
Cat1 Ship and boat building, sailmaking Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

27. Gowens sailmakers.
Fred French, Beattie Green, Ernie Ponder.
Image ID DEP_GOW_023

28. ID DEP_GOW_025 Gowen & Co., Mersea. Beat Green and Vic Pullen.
Cat1 Ship and boat building, sailmaking Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green

28. Gowen & Co., Mersea. Beat Green and Vic Pullen.
Image ID DEP_GOW_025

29. ID DIS04_PNR_PIC43 PIONEER - Shipwright, James Green and Alex Risk, pattern maker and metal worker, celebrate the launch. The bawley BONA passes astern
Cat1 Smacks and Bawleys Cat2 Families-->Green

29. PIONEER - Shipwright, James Green and Alex Risk, pattern maker and metal worker, celebrate the launch. The bawley BONA passes astern
Date: 17 May 2003
Image ID DIS04_PNR_PIC43

30. ID DIS2009_MAR_066 Joyce Green and Victor French, who married at the Methodist Chapel in Mill Road in 1950. Victor was the son of Stanley French whose marriage is shown in ...
Cat1 Museum-->DisplayPhotos Cat2 Families-->Green Cat3 Families-->Green Cat4 Families-->Cornelius

30. Joyce Green and Victor French, who married at the Methodist Chapel in Mill Road in 1950. Victor was the son of Stanley French whose marriage is shown in ...
Date: 1950
Image ID DIS2009_MAR_066
