Images for Oysters - sorted by ID

Found 219 images - displaying 121 to 150  -  page 5.

121. ID HH06_611 In the Matter of the Application of the Brightlingsea Wyvenhoe and East Donyland Cooperative Oyster Fishery Company Limited for an order of the Honourable Board ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

121. In the Matter of the Application of the Brightlingsea Wyvenhoe and East Donyland Cooperative Oyster Fishery Company Limited for an order of the Honourable Board ...
Date: c1882
Image ID HH06_611

122. ID HH06_613 A page from the pocket book of William Haward (Richard Howard's great grandfather), showing his oyster receipts. It is dated Spring 1797.
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

122. A page from the pocket book of William Haward (Richard Howard's great grandfather), showing his oyster receipts. It is dated Spring 1797.
Date: cApril 1797
Image ID HH06_613

123. ID HH07_004_003 Packing Shed. Zebedee Milgate is in the back row holding a basket in the air.
Cat1 Families-->Green Cat2 Oysters-->Pictures Cat3 Oysters-->Pictures Cat4 Museum-->Slideshows-->Heather Haward

123. Packing Shed. Zebedee Milgate is in the back row holding a basket in the air.
Date: c1908
Image ID HH07_004_003

124. ID HJM_001 Henry John May
1802 - 1894
Oyster Merchant
West Mersea. Essex.
  Painting held by the descendants of Henry John May. It is 36 ins x 48 ...
Cat1 Families-->Bean / May Cat2 Oysters-->Pictures

124. Henry John May
1802 - 1894
Oyster Merchant
West Mersea. Essex.

Painting held by the descendants of Henry John May. It is 36 ins x 48 ...
Date: c1890
Image ID HJM_001

125. ID HJM_101 West Mersea News
  The School question 
  Death of Mr H.J. May
By the death of Mr Henry John May of West Mersea, at the advanced age of ...
Cat1 Families-->Bean / May Cat2 Mersea-->Schools-->Documents Cat3 Mersea-->Schools-->Documents

125. West Mersea News

The School question

Death of Mr H.J. May

By the death of Mr Henry John May of West Mersea, at the advanced age of ...
Date: 2 June 1894
Image ID HJM_101

126. ID HLJ_003 Henry Lyster Jameson. 1874 - 26 February 1922. 
Lived at West Mersea 1914-22 with his wife and two daughters. Died suddenly at The Firs, West Mersea in his ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

126. Henry Lyster Jameson. 1874 - 26 February 1922.
Lived at West Mersea 1914-22 with his wife and two daughters. Died suddenly at The Firs, West Mersea in his ...
Date: 4 March 1922
Image ID HLJ_003

127. ID HLJ_009_003 Henry Lyster Jameson.
Statement of Dr Jameson's professional career and services. Page 3 of 5.
In 1914 seconded for service with the Ministry ...
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

127. Henry Lyster Jameson.
Statement of Dr Jameson's professional career and services. Page 3 of 5.
In 1914 seconded for service with the Ministry ...
Date: c1923
Image ID HLJ_009_003

128. ID IA01_985 Oyster grading machine, built 1983 which came to W.H. Norris & Sons in 1986 from Paglesham Oysters when they were based at 200 East Road, West Mersea. [ Richard ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures

128. Oyster grading machine, built 1983 which came to W.H. Norris & Sons in 1986 from Paglesham Oysters when they were based at 200 East Road, West Mersea. [ Richard ...
Date: 7 May 2020
Image ID IA01_985

129. ID IA01_987 Paglesham Oysters International Ltd. 200 East Road, West Mersea, Essex CO5 8SA. [Paglesham Oysters was owned by Norman Childs]
Brand tape, 5cm ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures

129. Paglesham Oysters International Ltd. 200 East Road, West Mersea, Essex CO5 8SA. [Paglesham Oysters was owned by Norman Childs]
Brand tape, 5cm ...
Date: c1986
Image ID IA01_987

130. ID JPA_001_001 Plan for 38ft steam launch for Police for oyster protection. The plans were sent to Forrestt & Sons Shipbuilders of Wyvenhoe, and quotations received, but they ...
Cat1 Ships and Boats-->Other Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers Cat3 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

130. Plan for 38ft steam launch for Police for oyster protection. The plans were sent to Forrestt & Sons Shipbuilders of Wyvenhoe, and quotations received, but they ...
Date: July 1897
Image ID JPA_001_001

131. ID LH22_073 Ken Mole collecting oysters in a tendle. He has splatchers on his shoes to protect the surface of the mud.
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures Cat2 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

131. Ken Mole collecting oysters in a tendle. He has splatchers on his shoes to protect the surface of the mud.
Image ID LH22_073

132. ID LH22_078 Oystermen - Back Brian 'Mick' Reed, Ken Mole, George Milgate [centre, with hat], Ted Woolf, Fred 'Ginger' Pullen. 
Front Tush Woolf, Tom Cudmore.
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures Cat2 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

132. Oystermen - Back Brian 'Mick' Reed, Ken Mole, George Milgate [centre, with hat], Ted Woolf, Fred 'Ginger' Pullen.
Front Tush Woolf, Tom Cudmore.
Image ID LH22_078

133. ID LH53_050 Oysters for sale on Coast Road.
Cat1 Mersea-->Coast Road Cat2 Oysters-->Pictures

133. Oysters for sale on Coast Road.
Date: 1980s
Image ID LH53_050

134. ID LH55_046 Mersea oysterman.
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures

134. Mersea oysterman.
Date: 1980s
Image ID LH55_046

135. ID LTG_AB1_175 Smacks dredging.
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

135. Smacks dredging.
Date: 8 August 1932
Image ID LTG_AB1_175

136. ID LTL_113 Oyster dredging - Ernie Mole in foreground ?
Cat1 Fishing Cat2 People-->Fishermen and Seamen Cat3 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

136. Oyster dredging - Ernie Mole in foreground ?
Image ID LTL_113

137. ID MBK_BMS_025 Beautiful Mersea - Garden Farm Estate brochure. Page 23.
The Oyster Grounds known as 'The Mersea Fleet' in the occupation of Mr W.J. Bean, bear the highest ...
Cat1 Museum-->Papers-->Estates-->Other Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

137. Beautiful Mersea - Garden Farm Estate brochure. Page 23.
The Oyster Grounds known as 'The Mersea Fleet' in the occupation of Mr W.J. Bean, bear the highest ...
Date: December 1909
Image ID MBK_BMS_025

138. ID MBK_DCH_001 Down Channel. The Smacks and Mariners of The Shoreham Oyster Fishery
by Kim Matthews. Published 2021 ISBN 978-1-919635-30-9
The cover picture ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

138. Down Channel. The Smacks and Mariners of The Shoreham Oyster Fishery
by Kim Matthews. Published 2021 ISBN 978-1-919635-30-9

The cover picture ...
Date: September 2021
Image ID MBK_DCH_001

139. ID MBK_EGD_C001 Essex Gold. The fortunes of the Essex Oysterman. By Hervey Benham.
In collaboration with Peter French and John Leather.
Essex Record Office Publication ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

139. Essex Gold. The fortunes of the Essex Oysterman. By Hervey Benham. In collaboration with Peter French and John Leather.
Essex Record Office Publication ...
Date: 1993
Image ID MBK_EGD_C001

140. ID MBK_EGD_P137 Essex Gold by Hervey Benham page 137. 
Chapter 17 Mersea in living memory.
 The story of the Mersea creek layings may conveniently be resumed at ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Documents and Papers Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

140. Essex Gold by Hervey Benham page 137.
Chapter 17 Mersea in living memory.

The story of the Mersea creek layings may conveniently be resumed at ...
Date: 1993
Image ID MBK_EGD_P137

141. ID MIS_1979_119 Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 1979 Page 19.
A brief look at Oysters, by John Nichol contd.
Equipment used in Oyster Culture. Brood ...
Cat1 Books-->Mistral Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

141. Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 1979 Page 19.
A brief look at Oysters, by John Nichol contd.
Equipment used in Oyster Culture. Brood ...
Date: 1979
Image ID MIS_1979_119

142. ID MIS_1996_050 Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. January 1996. Page 32.
Little Wigborough Walk by Edna Smy
Extracts from Schoolday Memories by Leslie ...
Cat1 Books-->Mistral Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

142. Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. January 1996. Page 32.
Little Wigborough Walk by Edna Smy
Extracts from Schoolday Memories by Leslie ...
Date: January 1996
Image ID MIS_1996_050

143. ID MIS_2007_048 Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 2007 Page 46.
Ostreiculture over the last forty years, by a Mersea Oysterman.
The first view of ...
Cat1 Books-->Mistral Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

143. Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 2007 Page 46.
Ostreiculture over the last forty years, by a Mersea Oysterman.

The first view of ...
Date: March 2007
Image ID MIS_2007_048

144. ID MIS_2007_049 Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 2007 Page 47.
Ostreiculture over the last forty years, by a Mersea Oysterman contd.
The boats that ...
Cat1 Books-->Mistral Cat2 Oysters-->Documents and Papers

144. Mistral. Journal of the Mersea Island Society. 2007 Page 47.
Ostreiculture over the last forty years, by a Mersea Oysterman contd.

The boats that ...
Date: March 2007
Image ID MIS_2007_049

145. ID MLD_015 Oysterman
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures

145. Oysterman
Date: Before May 2006
Image ID MLD_015

146. ID MLD_HWK_036 Mersea History Walk 34.
The last oyster pit to be built (by Michael and Patrick Dawson) (before the EU regulations required exposure to ultra violet light ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Coast Road Cat2 Oysters-->Pictures

146. Mersea History Walk 34.
The last oyster pit to be built (by Michael and Patrick Dawson) (before the EU regulations required exposure to ultra violet light ...
Date: 21 July 2006
Image ID MLD_HWK_036

147. ID MLD_HWK_047 Mersea History Walk 45.
World Famous Company Shed (founded by Heather Haward) selling fresh fish and seafood, as well as serving meals.
Cat1 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses Cat3 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

147. Mersea History Walk 45.
World Famous Company Shed (founded by Heather Haward) selling fresh fish and seafood, as well as serving meals.
Date: 21 July 2006
Image ID MLD_HWK_047

148. ID MMC_P369_003 West Mersea Oystermen pose. L-R Alan Mole, Raymond d'Wit, Douglas Stoker, Bobby Stoker, Lennox Leavett from Tollesbury, Graham Knott, Derek Leavett (had the ...
Cat1 People-->Fishermen and Seamen Cat2 Oysters-->Pictures Cat3 Oysters-->Pictures

148. West Mersea Oystermen pose. L-R Alan Mole, Raymond d'Wit, Douglas Stoker, Bobby Stoker, Lennox Leavett from Tollesbury, Graham Knott, Derek Leavett (had the ...
Date: 1979
Image ID MMC_P369_003

149. ID MMC_P755_018 Ted Woolfe's Oyster pits, West Mersea - emptying for next tide. Bill Wyatt, when an apprentice, helped in the construction of this building.
Another copy ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures Cat2 Mersea-->Coast Road

149. Ted Woolfe's Oyster pits, West Mersea - emptying for next tide. Bill Wyatt, when an apprentice, helped in the construction of this building.
Another copy ...
Date: Before November 1916
Image ID MMC_P755_018

150. ID MMC_P755_019 Oyster Pits, West Mersea. The big elm tree gave nearby Elmtree House its name, known in earlier years as Elm Tree Cottage or Elm Cottage.
Another copy of ...
Cat1 Oysters-->Pictures Cat2 Mersea-->Coast Road Cat3 Mersea-->Coast Road

150. Oyster Pits, West Mersea. The big elm tree gave nearby Elmtree House its name, known in earlier years as Elm Tree Cottage or Elm Cottage.
Another copy of ...
Date: Before 1904
Image ID MMC_P755_019
