Search all images using "BF73_001_019_001" - latest additions first

Found 1 image BF73_001_019_001

1. ID BF73_001_019_001 Seawall Wivenhoe, taken about 1890. Steam yachts laid up.
Picture used in The Northseamen page 186. This gives the date as about 1900.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Steam Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Town

1. Seawall Wivenhoe, taken about 1890. Steam yachts laid up.
Picture used in The Northseamen page 186. This gives the date as about 1900.
From: Wivenhoe shipyards photos and documents
Date: 1890
Image ID BF73_001_019_001
Added 2009-01-25 21:27:17
