1. Lane to the beach at the end of Beach Road. Date: cApril 1985 Image ID LH52_002 |

2. High tide at the Hard in front of West Mersea Yacht Club. Date: cOctober 1980 Image ID LH52_004 |

3. Old Forge Filling Station on Kingsland Road. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_007 |

4. Co-op store on the corner of Barfield Road and Kingsland Road. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_010 |

5. British Legion Club in Barfield Road. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_012 |

6. First phase of Co-op Supermarket being built in Barfield Road. Whitings shop is next door, before the School Garden. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_021 |

7. Railings at the Strood. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_033 |

8. Electricity coming on to the Island at East and West turn. Electricity arrived about 1930, but these poles are probably from much later when the original poles ... Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_041 |

9. East and West turn at the island end of the Strood. The broken sign in the foreground seems out of place - it says Powerboats, keep away from bathing area. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_045 |

10. Dog and Pheasant Pub, East Mersea. Trumans. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_047 |

11. Brierley Avenue. Rose and Len's house on the left. Date: 1980s Image ID LH52_049 | |