Images for Mersea-->Road Scenes - sorted by ID

Found 289 images - displaying 121 to 150  -  page 5.

121. ID JAY_RDS_001 Looking North up High Street, West Mersea. Cock's butchers and Yorick Road on the right. Postcard mailed August 1915
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

121. Looking North up High Street, West Mersea. Cock's butchers and Yorick Road on the right. Postcard mailed August 1915
Date: Before August 1915
Image ID JAY_RDS_001

122. ID JFW_011_001 Mill Road - a good fall of snow. Gwen and Jeff Wass ?
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

122. Mill Road - a good fall of snow. Gwen and Jeff Wass ?
Date: 1950s
Image ID JFW_011_001

123. ID JLJ_PCD_015 St. Peter's Road. Woodstock on just visible on the right. Postcard, not mailed.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

123. St. Peter's Road. Woodstock on just visible on the right. Postcard, not mailed.
Image ID JLJ_PCD_015

124. ID JLJ_WMP_011 West Mersea Parish Church, early winter 1958, taken from Church Road.
Cat1 Mersea-->Buildings Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

124. West Mersea Parish Church, early winter 1958, taken from Church Road.
Date: cDecember 1958
Image ID JLJ_WMP_011

125. ID JML_OPA_053 Pre-war Carnival at Digby's corner, taken outside Digby's shop before it was modernised. 'Mersea Mehalah' at the front.
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

125. Pre-war Carnival at Digby's corner, taken outside Digby's shop before it was modernised. 'Mersea Mehalah' at the front.
Date: 1930s
Image ID JML_OPA_053

126. ID KGF_395 East end of Firs Road before it was made up. The houses are in High Street North.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

126. East end of Firs Road before it was made up. The houses are in High Street North.
Image ID KGF_395

127. ID KML_027 By the Church Green.
1. Geoff Atkins, 2. Ken Mole, 3. Hazel Farthing, 4. Gordon Russell, 5. Gilbert Lee, 6. Hugh Farthing, 7. David Stoker.
Cat1 Families-->Mole Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

127. By the Church Green.
1. Geoff Atkins, 2. Ken Mole, 3. Hazel Farthing, 4. Gordon Russell, 5. Gilbert Lee, 6. Hugh Farthing, 7. David Stoker.
Image ID KML_027

128. ID LH17_FIRE_072 Beetle back Dodge Fire Engine 758JNO attending a fire in Jack Botham's kitchen in Coast Road. Howard's Stores in Church Road is in the background.
Cat1 Mersea-->Fire Brigade Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

128. Beetle back Dodge Fire Engine 758JNO attending a fire in Jack Botham's kitchen in Coast Road. Howard's Stores in Church Road is in the background.
Date: 1959
Image ID LH17_FIRE_072

129. ID LH22_020 High Street North from corner of Barfield Road. B1025 finger post on the left. Griffon Garage on the right, Griffon Garage to the right probably owned by Norman ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

129. High Street North from corner of Barfield Road. B1025 finger post on the left. Griffon Garage on the right, Griffon Garage to the right probably owned by Norman ...
Image ID LH22_020

130. ID LH47_009_001 Properties at West Mersea for sale by order of Executors of Samuel Callow Esq.
Brierley Avenue. A group of detached houses and bungalows erected between ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Buildings Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

130. Properties at West Mersea for sale by order of Executors of Samuel Callow Esq.
Brierley Avenue. A group of detached houses and bungalows erected between ...
Date: 6 April 1960
Image ID LH47_009_001

131. ID LH4_021 East Road - Fairhaven Avenue on right.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

131. East Road - Fairhaven Avenue on right.
Image ID LH4_021

132. ID LH50_010 View up Kingsland Hill. The Co-op butchers is extreme right on the corner of Rainbow Road. Leather's sweet and tobacconist shop on the far side or Rainbow Road.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

132. View up Kingsland Hill. The Co-op butchers is extreme right on the corner of Rainbow Road. Leather's sweet and tobacconist shop on the far side or Rainbow Road.
Image ID LH50_010

133. ID LH50_027 Griffon Garage & Motor Coach Service. Barfield Road, West Mersea. White's Series postcard posted 6 October 1931.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

133. Griffon Garage & Motor Coach Service. Barfield Road, West Mersea. White's Series postcard posted 6 October 1931.
Date: Before October 1931
Image ID LH50_027

134. ID LH51_031 Jubilee Arch at Queens Corner. Upland Road in the distance with the blacksmith shop on the corner.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Mersea-->Events

134. Jubilee Arch at Queens Corner. Upland Road in the distance with the blacksmith shop on the corner.
Date: cMay 1935
Image ID LH51_031

135. ID LH51_034 Seaview Avenue before it was made up, looking south towards the sea.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

135. Seaview Avenue before it was made up, looking south towards the sea.
Image ID LH51_034

136. ID LH52_002 Lane to the beach at the end of Beach Road.
Cat1 Mersea-->Beach Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

136. Lane to the beach at the end of Beach Road.
Date: cApril 1985
Image ID LH52_002

137. ID LH53_009 Queens Corner. James F. Fraser Antiques. Methodist Chapel and Mill Road to the right.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

137. Queens Corner. James F. Fraser Antiques. Methodist Chapel and Mill Road to the right.
Date: 1980s
Image ID LH53_009

138. ID LH53_024 High tide on Coast Road by Clarke & Carter.
Cat1 Mersea-->Coast Road Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

138. High tide on Coast Road by Clarke & Carter.
Date: cOctober 1980
Image ID LH53_024

139. ID LH55_033 Chapel Road, West Mersea, now Mill Road.
Postcard by Hammond - another copy was mailed 4 July 1911.
View from Queens Corner. Chapel Road is now Mill Road. ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

139. Chapel Road, West Mersea, now Mill Road. Postcard by Hammond - another copy was mailed 4 July 1911.
View from Queens Corner. Chapel Road is now Mill Road. ...
Date: Before July 1911
Image ID LH55_033

140. ID LH56_023 Village sign. West Mersea. The sign was dedicated October 1988.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

140. Village sign. West Mersea. The sign was dedicated October 1988.
Date: c1989
Image ID LH56_023

141. ID LH58_005 Kingsland Road in the snow. Old Forge filling station - the bungalow beyond it was demolished in a later rebuilding.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Mersea-->Shops & Businesses

141. Kingsland Road in the snow. Old Forge filling station - the bungalow beyond it was demolished in a later rebuilding.
Date: cJanuary 1985
Image ID LH58_005

142. ID LH58_015 Kingsland Road in the snow. Eastern National bus. Peter Green's breakdown truck parked outside his office on the left.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Transport - buses and carriers

142. Kingsland Road in the snow. Eastern National bus. Peter Green's breakdown truck parked outside his office on the left.
Date: cFebruary 1991
Image ID LH58_015

143. ID LH62_005 Fairhaven Avenue - after the 1987 hurricane.
Cat1 Disasters and Mishaps-->on Land Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

143. Fairhaven Avenue - after the 1987 hurricane.
Date: 16 October 1987
Image ID LH62_005

144. ID LH63_031 Kingsland Road in the snow. Surgery on the left. Tony Smith seafoods on the right.
Cat1 Weather Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

144. Kingsland Road in the snow. Surgery on the left. Tony Smith seafoods on the right.
Date: cFebruary 1991
Image ID LH63_031

145. ID LTG_AB1_091 Outside Holmcroft in Grove Avenue West Mersea, looking west towards Beach Road.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

145. Outside Holmcroft in Grove Avenue West Mersea, looking west towards Beach Road.
Date: c1931
Image ID LTG_AB1_091

146. ID MBK_BMS_017_001 Fairhaven Avenue, West Mersea.
From Beautiful Mersea - Garden Farm Estate brochure. Page 15.
Cat1 Museum-->Papers-->Estates-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat3 Mersea-->Road Scenes

146. Fairhaven Avenue, West Mersea.
From Beautiful Mersea - Garden Farm Estate brochure. Page 15.
Date: December 1909
Image ID MBK_BMS_017_001

147. ID MD02_002 Bus outside White Hart, West Mersea. HK5xx8 ?. Maddox Street Scandal. Bus to Colchester, Peldon, Abberton, Blackheath.
From the cover of The Homeland Handy ...
Cat1 Transport - buses and carriers Cat2 Mersea-->Road Scenes

147. Bus outside White Hart, West Mersea. HK5xx8 ?. Maddox Street Scandal. Bus to Colchester, Peldon, Abberton, Blackheath.
From the cover of The Homeland Handy ...
Date: c1925
Image ID MD02_002

148. ID MLD_003 What a Folly !
Nine pictures of Follies on Mersea, compiled by Mike Davies. The latest is dated December 2005.
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes

148. What a Folly !
Nine pictures of Follies on Mersea, compiled by Mike Davies. The latest is dated December 2005.
Date: Before 2006
Image ID MLD_003

149. ID MLD_017 A pair of First Group buses at the terminus outside the MICA in West Mersea. Service 67 at the time was Colchester Hospital to West Mersea, every 30 minutes. It ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Transport - buses and carriers

149. A pair of First Group buses at the terminus outside the MICA in West Mersea. Service 67 at the time was Colchester Hospital to West Mersea, every 30 minutes. It ...
Date: 27 October 2006
Image ID MLD_017

150. ID MMC_L615_001 Brierley Hall cows in Seaview Avenue. Postcard mailed March 1913. Charles Stanley (Bump) Farthing far left. Nursing Home on right, Brazil House on left became ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Road Scenes Cat2 Farming

150. Brierley Hall cows in Seaview Avenue. Postcard mailed March 1913. Charles Stanley (Bump) Farthing far left. Nursing Home on right, Brazil House on left became ...
Date: c1911
Image ID MMC_L615_001
