Mersea Island Museum - Blackwater Ships

Ship:      HELICINA
Arrived:22 November 1957
Departed:2 August 1958
Arrived 2:30 June 1959
Departed 2:11 April 1962
Career:HELICINA was one of a trio of 18 knot turbo-electric tankers ordered during WW2 to carry petroleum across the Atlantic. They were not needed for their original purpose. The first ship, the HYALINA, was taken over by the Admiralty as the OLNA for use in the Pacific. The third ship, when delivered, became the HYALINA.

HELICINA left the river 11 April 1962 in tow of TRADESMAN and SEAMAN. Broken up 20 Apr 1962 at Blyth.
Oyster Company ledger first payment 6 wks 2 days compensation 4 January 1958 to W. Fieldgate & Son. Last payment 1 week 4 days on 11 April 1962.
Voyage Record Card: HELICINA arrived River Blackwater 22 November 1957 from Cowes Roads. Sailed River Blackwater 2 August 1958 for Rotterdam. Arrived River Blackwater 30 June 1959 from London.

The HELICINA still had a full crew on board while laid up - see Laid up Shell Tankers .

4 November 1960 sold to British Iron and Steel Corporation for breaking up [Letter from Shell to Lloyds Register at Lloyds Register Foundation]

For details of this and other Shell or Eagle Oil tankers, see

Tonnage:12,167 gross
Owner:Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co. Ltd.
Official No:180983

HELICINA, one of a pair of fast tankers owned by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Company (Shell tankers). Built 1946 and scrapped after she left the River Blackwater in April 1962. Date: 1959.

Above:  HELICINA, one of a pair of fast tankers owned by Anglo Saxon Petroleum Company (Shell tankers). Built 1946 and scrapped after she left the River Blackwater in April 1962. Date: 1959.
Source: Mersea Museum / Ian Clarke Collection

Shell tankers laid up in the River Blackwater. HELICINA on the left, HYALINA on the right. Date: 1959.

Above:  Shell tankers laid up in the River Blackwater. HELICINA on the left, HYALINA on the right. Date: 1959.
Source: Mersea Museum / David Boddington Collection

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