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 Fancy Dress at the British Legion Fete on Legion Field, West Mersea. First Prize ? 


This is the end of Susan Mary

Who crossed the road quite unwary

So you see the awful sight

Of one who didn't look left or right.

A newspaper clip of the Fete says Susan Banks, aged nine in grisly garb designed to represent the consequences of carelessness on the ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Events

Fancy Dress at the British Legion Fete on Legion Field, West Mersea. First Prize ?
This is the end of Susan Mary
Who crossed the road quite unwary
So you see the awful sight
Of one who didn't look left or right.

A newspaper clip of the Fete says "Susan Banks, aged nine in grisly garb designed to represent the consequences of carelessness on the roads" DM1_AB6A_047_004
Date: 4 August 1952      

Photo: Collins / Botham negatives via Brian Jay
Image ID BJ61_014_064
Category 1 Mersea-->Events


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.