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 An old photograph of Birch Mill, a typical post mill with a brick roundhouse hiding the substructure. The roundhouse did not support the mill but merely provided cover for the crosstrees and quarter-bars and a convenient storage space.

From Essex Millrights by R.W. Malster, Essex Countryside November 1969, page 40. 
Cat1 Birch-->Buildings

An old photograph of Birch Mill, a typical post mill with a brick roundhouse hiding the substructure. The roundhouse did not support the mill but merely provided cover for the crosstrees and quarter-bars and a convenient storage space.
From Essex Millrights by R.W. Malster, Essex Countryside November 1969, page 40.
Date: November 1969      

Photo: Millatt Family
Image ID EC69_011_040_001
Category 1 Birch-->Buildings


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.