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 Great Wigborough School, School Lane. The Letter Box on the front wall has been bricked up.

1854 National School built

1931 Seniors transferred to Birch

1933 School closed and juniors transferred to Birch.

5 June 1953 opened as Coronation Hall. Eventually the Hall became disused.

2017 Wigborough Coronation Hall sold for £333,000 for development Half the final ...
Cat1 Places-->Wigborough

Great Wigborough School, School Lane. The Letter Box on the front wall has been bricked up.
1854 National School built
1931 Seniors transferred to Birch
1933 School closed and juniors transferred to Birch.
5 June 1953 opened as Coronation Hall. Eventually the Hall became disused.
2017 Wigborough Coronation Hall sold for £333,000 for development Half the final proceeds to go to Peldon and half to PCC of Wigborough for the Church.
Date: 26 February 2019      

Photo: Gill Graham
Image ID GGR_005
Category 1 Places-->Wigborough


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.