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 Looking northeast up the Strood Channel. Simmonds' caravan park on right and Nothe Cottage just visible. CK62 EVELYN owned by Hector Stoker. 
35mm slide by Jean Booth. 
Cat1 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

Looking northeast up the Strood Channel. Simmonds' caravan park on right and Nothe Cottage just visible. CK62 EVELYN owned by Hector Stoker.
35mm slide by Jean Booth.
Date: October 1971      

Photo: Merriel and Paul Gallifant
Image ID MGA_SB2_015
Category 1 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard
Category 2 Smacks and Bawleys


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.