Search for Image ID ""Images for Places-->Peldon-->Shops and Businesses 14 of 41

 Underwooods Coach loading outside Peldon Rose, on a 'club' outing. At least one crate of Whitbread going on board. Bedford Duple OB MMT507.

Photograph donated by Pat Milgate 
Cat1 Places-->Peldon-->Buildings Cat2 Transport - buses and carriers Cat3 Places-->Peldon-->Shops and Businesses

Underwooods Coach loading outside Peldon Rose, on a 'club' outing. At least one crate of Whitbread going on board. Bedford Duple OB MMT507.
Photograph donated by Pat Milgate

Photo: Mersea Museum - Jean Ponder
Image ID OJR_347
Category 2 Transport - buses and carriers
Category 3 Places-->Peldon-->Shops and Businesses


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.