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 Herbert 'Joe' Reeve at Wick farm Layer de la Haye, Lennox family where he was the horseman and lived in a tied cottage, Wick cottage adjacent to the church. Brian and his brother were born there - his mother had gone to live with her parents when his father was called up for military service. 
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Places-->Layer de la Haye

Herbert 'Joe' Reeve at Wick farm Layer de la Haye, Lennox family where he was the horseman and lived in a tied cottage, "Wick cottage" adjacent to the church. Brian and his brother were born there - his mother had gone to live with her parents when his father was called up for military service.

Photo: Brian Chaplin
Image ID CLN_003
Category 2 Places-->Layer de la Haye


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.