ID: MARG_155

TitleWill of John Bullock of Great Wigborough 1559
AbstractWill of John Bullock of Great Wigborough [John the Elder] 26 June 1559 transcribed from Essex Record Office document D/ACR 5/216


The will was made on 26 June 1559 His wife Margaret can remain in the North Soller of the house he lives in, which he names as Moulshams.[A Solar was the private quarters and bedroom of the head of the family]. If she marries she has to leave the house and remove her livestock from its land. If his children die he leaves their bequests to the children of his two brothers, William and John. His son and heir is Edward [see Edward's will of 1595 ]. John has daughters Margaret, Agnes, and Elizabeth.

Transcription by Elaine Barker February 2021

In the name of god Amen the 26 of June A[nn]o 1559 I John
Bullocke of moch wigborogh et c[etera] doe make this my will
et c[etera] first I com[m]it my soule to all mightie god et c[etera] [Im[primis]?]
It[e]m I will & bequeath unto margaret my wife certer[n]
gyfts & legaseis here under written uppon condicion that
she the said margaret shall take the same as my gyft
in full recompense of her [missing word? = thirds] or dowrie of all thes my
Land[es] Ten[emen]t[es] & other hereditame[n]tes which I have hade
duringe the tyme of her espousage betwene me & her had
& that she shall within vj daies next aft[er] my de[ce]se

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put in sufficient Bond by bill obligatory unto my execut[ores]
as it shalbe thought good by my said exec[utores] that she shall in
all thing[es] obey & do the said Condicion & to be content this
my will to be p[er]formed in all thinges without any other
Lett or denyall or disturbaunce & yf it shall so happen
th[a]t she doe thes Refuse to doe as is aforesaid that then
I will all such good[es] & Legaceis as by this my will is
geven & assigned to her be voyd & of none effect as yf I
had nether geven nor assyned them to her & thes are the
giftes th[a]t is to saye I geve to her under the same co[n]dicio[n]
my second bed with all thing[es] therto belonging & all
such howsshold stuffe which she brought to me at her
mariage with all her apparrell to her bodie xx l[ibre] iiij good
& sufficient keyne xxti Sufficie[n]t & lawfull ewe shepe my
best mare with her Colt. It[e]m I will to her the goinge
of & pasturing of the same Cattell uppon my ground duringe
vj moneth next aft[er] my decese. It[e]m I will that she shall
have the soller called the north Soller of this my howse
wherin I now doe dwell. to have & enioye the same to
her duringe the tyme of vj moneth next aft[er] my decese
provided all waies tht yf the said margaret happen to
marry before that tyme that then she shall avoid the
same my howse and soller & then allso to take awaie her
Cattell from my said ground[es] Allso I will that my
wife shall have a seame of wheate & a seame of barlye &
halfe awaie of chese. It[e]m I geve & assigne to margaret
my said wife by the name of her third or dowrye
one yearlie Rent or graunt of viij li[bre] to be R[eceived] by the man[ner]
of her third or dowrie out of my land[es] Ten[emen]t[es] & heriditam[en]ts
at ij termes of the yeare that is to saie at the feast of Sainct
Michaell thark angle & the ann[un]ciation of o[ur] lady S[aint] mary
By even porcions yerlye to be p[ai]de all the terme of her
lyfe duringe to have & enioye all the same yerlye rent
or or forme of viij li[bre] as is a foresaid unto the said margaret
my wife & to her assignes all the terme & tyme of her lyfe

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as in full contentation & satisfaction of her third or dowry
as is afore condicioned It[e]m I I will that my exec[cutores] use
the hole Rule & order of all my land[es] Ten[emen]ts heriditam[en]t[es]
& fermes Withe good[es] & cattels uppon them untill my
sonne Edward Bullocke shall accomplish and come to his
full age of xxj yers It[e]m I will my said executors
yearlye abought the feast of Sainct michaell shall
make a trewe & p[er]fect accompte of all their reveneues
of all my land[es] Ten[emen]t[es] & heridita[me]nt[es] & other the p[re]miss[es]
unto whom I ordeine & name to be sup[er]visor of this my
p[re]sent Test[a]m[en]t & the same accompt & accompt[es] to be
safely kepte to be deliv[er]ed unto my sonne edward at his
said age of xxj yeares to thentent that he shall take &
R[eceive] at the hand[es] of my said exec[utors] his dewties dew to him
According to this my will & Test[a]m[ent]. It[e]m I will th[a]t
when my sonne edward shall accomplish & come to his
full age of xxj yers th[a]t then he to enter in to all my
Land[es] Ten[emen]ts & heriditam[en]ts to have & to howlde
them to him & to his heirs of his bodye lawfully
Begotten for ev[er] payinge the foresaide yerlye rent of
viij li[bre] unto margaret my wife duringe her lyfe in full
payme[n]t of her third or dowrie as is afore said It[e]m I
will & bequeth unto the said edward my sonne all that
my lease & terme of yeares which I have of and in
the ferme Called mowsohmes in moch wigborow afor
said together with the stocke & p[ro]fitt[es] therof to be p[ai]de
& deliv[er]ed unto him by my exec[utors] at his age of xxj yers
together with all over plus of my good[es] & cattels
first my dett[es] & legaseis in this my will my funerall
done with all man[ner] cost[es] & charg[es] by my said exec[utors]
sustayned, well & trulye p[ai]de and alowed in all thing[es]
toward the p[er]formaunce of this my said will as by the
forsaid accomptes shall & maye appere as is aforesaid

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It[e]m I will and bequeath unto margaret my daughter xl li[bre] to
be p[ai]d to her at her age of xxj yers It[e]m I geve unto agnes
my daught[er] xl li[bre] to be p[ai]d to her at her age of xxj yeares It[em]
I geve and bequeath unto elizabeth my daught[er] xl li[bre] to be
p[ai]d to her at her age of xxj yers & yf it shall happen any of
my iij daught[er]s margaret agnes & elizabeth to decese before
their said sev[er]alle ages of xxj yeares. then I will the ov[er]
levers [survivors] to have her p[ar]te so decessed to be equally devidid
betwene them so th[a]t my iij daughters the one to be the others
heire of their legaseis to them herin geven and assigned allso
I will th[a]t yf it shall happen the aforesaid edward my sonne
to decese within his said age of xxj yeares then I will
his p[ar]te as well in land[es] Ten[emen]t[es] heridita[me]nt[es] as all other legases
& good[es] to him assigned by this my will shalbe devided
geven & deliv[er]ed unto my daughters them being a live
And allso I will th[a]t yf it shall happen all my said daught[er]s
to dye befor ther ages of xxj yers with out yssewe of their
bodies lawfully begotten th[a]t then I will that all their
bequest[es] unto my said sonne edward the being a live
more over yf it shall so happen th[a]t all my children dye
before they come to the age of xxj yers without yssue
of their bodies lawfully begotten that then I will &
bequeth th[a]t all my moveable good[es] shall then remaine to
the heires of will[ia]m Bullocke & the heires of John bullok
yf it shall so happen that all my Children doe dye aft[er]
that they shall come to the full age of xxj yeares w[i]t[h] out
yssew of their bodies lawfully begotten that then I
will that all my land[es] shall then Remaine unto the
heires of the said will[ia]m Bullock & John Bullock my
brothers It[e]m I geve and bequeth to eche of my god
Children xij d It[e]m I geve unto Jone my s[er]v[au]nt
vj sh viij d to be laid out by the descretion of my
exec[utors] to the use of the said Jone Allso I will that all
my Children shalbe at the gov[er]naunce Rule & order of
my executor and yf it shall so happen that any of

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my exec[utor] doe dye or ev[er] they have geven up their accompt[es]
unto my Children th[a]t then I will that the other of my
exec[utor] then beinge a live shall then have full power
authortie & strengthe to take and R[eceiv]es a treu accompt
of his heirs exec[utor] or assignes so decessed of all such
legaseis & good[es] out of his or their hand[es] as he had in
his hand[es] at his death or at any tyme before unto
my exec[utor] being then a live with in one moneth next
aft[er] his death with oute eyther fraud or gyle or
any delaye & so he or they to be clerlye discharged
& acquited for ever. It[e]m I geve unto my exec[utor] th[a]t is
to saye thomas markes John Thembell & [p por?]
Ayldward unto eyther of them iij li[bre] vj s viij d whom
I make myne exec[utors] of this my p[re]sent test[a]m[en[t to the
entent they shall the better geve their diligence
toward[es] the p[er]formaunce of this my said will and
Testam[en]t. It[e]m I geve unto John Samme John
Maye & stephen page to everye one of them xl s
whome I doe name assigne & appointe to be ov[er]sears of
this my will and everye thinge mencioned to be well
& truly p[er]formed & kepte in ev[er]ye article & clause as
the trew meaninge of this my last will and
Testam[en]t is

Read More
Abstract of Bullock Wills
Bullock family of Great Wigborough

SourceMersea Museum