Search for Image ID ""Images for People 13 of 1974

 Pullen Family pictures, and also on the wall at the Pavilion at the Glebe on the wall at the Tennis Pavilion at the Glebe, which gives us some of the names:

Joan Ward née Pullen, soldier, Amy Wellard née Vice, Arthur Welland, Mick Mills 
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 People-->Sport

Pullen Family pictures, and also on the wall at the Pavilion at the Glebe on the wall at the Tennis Pavilion at the Glebe, which gives us some of the names:
Joan Ward née Pullen, soldier, Amy Wellard née Vice, Arthur Welland, Mick Mills
Date: May 1944      

Photo: Ann Ward
Image ID AN11_011
Category 1 Families-->Pullen


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.