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 Grave of Charles Viereck Wilson, East Mersea Churchyard, plot 119


Charles Viereck Wilson 5th Jan 1887 - 16th Jan 1930

Jane his wife died 1961. 

Douglas Gray Wilson, 24th August 1918 - 8th June 1950 at Accra.

Barbara his beloved daughter 1921 - 2004 
Cat1 Families-->Other

Grave of Charles Viereck Wilson, East Mersea Churchyard, plot 119
Charles Viereck Wilson 5th Jan 1887 - 16th Jan 1930
Jane his wife died 1961.
Douglas Gray Wilson, 24th August 1918 - 8th June 1950 at Accra.
Barbara his beloved daughter 1921 - 2004
Date: 5 July 2019      

Photo: Gene and Tony Clifton
Image ID EMP_CYD_119_A01


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.