ID: MARG_142

TitleWill of John Bullocke 1553 National Archives PROB 11/43/553
AbstractWill of John Bullock the younger of Great Wigborough 30 June 1553 transcribed from National Archives document PROB 11/43/553


The son of Margaret Bulloke of Great Wigborough 1528 . His wife is Margaret, and he has sons John, George, Robart and the youngest, Henry. His daughters are Joan, the eldest, Margaret the second daughter, Anne third daughter, Jane and Mary. He also makes a bequest to his sister's daughter Margaret Dyer. He leaves part of Rowses to his wife during her life. He also leaves two properties, Warestock and Gales and a croft called Podes Croft to George. He leaves Mersea properties, Martels and Brewers, Greate Carters Nicottes and Churchmans to John, then if he dies to Henry etc. He refers to a property Barons alias Dowes [Bacons alias Dawes] on West Mersea and a lease on a farm at Fingringhoe. He leaves money to several godchildren, servants and to the poor of Great and Little Wigborough, Fingringhoe, West Mersea and Salcott Wigborough. He leaves several other Crofts, Lynnetes Croft and Metfields, parcels of land, livestock and makes bequests to his godchildren.

Transcription by Elaine Barker August 2020

1.   In the name of God amen The laste daye of June in the yere of ow[er] Lorde
2.   God a thousande five hundreth fiftie and three and in the vij yere of the raigne of o[wer] soveraigne lorde
3.   kinge Edwarde the sixt &c[etera]. I John bullocke of moch wigborow the yonger in the Countie of Essex
4.   beinge of hole mynde and good memorie thankes be unto almightie god ordaine and make this my testa=
5.   mente and laste will in manner and forme followinge first I bequeath my sowle unto almightie god
6.   &c[etera]. And my boddie to be buried &c[etera] As concerninge my corporall substaunce I give and dispose them
7.   as herafter followeth. Firste I will myne executor ordaine and provide one honest lerned man in the
8.   lawe of God to make or declare a Collac[i]on or cermon within the parrish churche of wigborowe afore=
9.   saide at my buriall or uppon a sonndaie within one moneth next followinge to the people there and
10.   then gathered together to the glorie of god and to the edifficac[i]on And also I will that my executor
11.   lycke wise provide the same or a nother lerned man within one half yere after in the same churche
12.   uppon a Sondaye in lycke manner to make another Collac[i]on or sermon And he to have for everie of the
13.   same sermons ijs vj d. Item I will and bequeathe to the poore people of moche wigborowe and
14.   Littell wigborow xiijs iiijd to be disposed by the discression of myne executor and ij other honest
15.   men of the same Towne within one moneth after my buriall. Also I will and bequeathe to the
16.   poore people in Fingringho vij s vjd to be disposed by the discression of my executor and ij honeste
17.   men of the same Towne within one moneth after my buriall. Also I will and bequeath to the
18.   poore people of Westmersey vij sh vj d To be disposed by the discresion of my executor and ij othe[r]
19.   honest men of the same Towne within one moneth after my buriall. Also I will and bequeathe
20.   to the poore people of Salcote wigborowe x sh to be disposed by the discression of my executor and
21.   ij other honest men of the same Towne/ Moreov[er] I will that my executor shall laye oute and
22.   bestowe in the amendinge of the waye betwene the place where thirtie Acre Crosse stoode and
23.   Corsellow howse xxxs . to be bestowed where moste nede ys in the saide waye by the discresion of my
24.   executor and ij other honest men of moche wigborow aforesaide within one yere after my buriall
25.   Also I bequeath unto Mathue machyn somtyme my S[er]v[au]nte dwellinge in wigborow xxd and to
26.   Agnes his wyef sometime my S[er]v[au]nte xijd . And I give to John Machyn his brother somtyme my
27.   S[er]v[au]nte xvjd. Also I give to Roberte Tanner sometyme my S[er]v[au]nte xvj d. Also I give to margaret
28.   Dyer my sisters doughte[r] and my god doughte[r] A Cowe bullocke worth x s. or x s to by her one w[i]th
29.   all: Also I will unto John Willson of westmersey the yonger my godsonne one lambe worth xxd.
30.   Also I will unto Richarde Sa[m]mes my god sonne one lambe worth xx d. Also I will unto henry

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31.   Badcocke sonne of John Badcocke of littell Totham my Godsonn one lame p[ri]ce xxd. Also I will unto
32.   Henry brian of wodham water my godsonn one lambe worth xxd. Also I give unto Richard Machins
33.   doughter of wigborow my goddoughter xij d. Also I will and bequeath to margaret my wyef my parlo[ur]
34.   in the west side of my howse in wigborowe called Rowses and cawled the new parlor and the soler
35.   oute hit dueringe her widdowehed with my best bed and all that therto belongethe savinge the bedstede
36.   which bedsteed I will that she shall have duringe her widdowhed but if she marrie then I will hit
37.   remaine still with the howse. Also I will and bequeathe unto the saide Margaret my wyef ij other beddes
38.   of the seconde sorte with the thirde parte of all my other howseholde. Also I will and bequeathe unto
39.   Margaret my wyef duringe her lyef vj libre [pounds] yerely to be paied her oute of my coppieholde landes lyenge in
40.   wigborow for her thirde or dowre by myne executors. Also I will unto the same Margaret yerely fower
41.   poundes to be paied her oute of my freehold landes lyenge in westm[er]sey called bacons otherwise called dowes
42.   by myne executor untill my yongest sonne henry com to his age of xxj yeres/ And yf hit chaunce my sayde
43.   Sonne Henry dye before he come to his age of xxj yeres then I will that margaret my wyef shall have
44.   the same fower poundes yerely oute of the saide free lande during her lyef which hole dowry doth amounte
45.   to x li[bre]. Also I give to the saide Margaret my wyef tenn poundes which I will she shall have in
46.   reddie monney to be paied her by myne executor within one yere after my deceace. Also I will unto
47.   the saide margaret one hundreth sheepe, that ys \to/ saye fiftie ewe sheepe and fiftie wether Shepe of
48.   a yere olde and ij yeres olde. Also I give and bequeathe to the saide margaret viij kyne a geldinge
49.   and a mare Allthose parcelles of gooddes to be delivered ymmediatly after my burriall. Provided
50.   that ys my Sonne Robarte and his mother doe not so lovingly agree as my trust ys they will so thate
51.   she cannot quietly have uppon the saide Robarte pasture to her cattall duringe the tyme she shall not mary
52.   then I will my saide wyef shall have Churchesed and churchefelde paienge yerely theifore to my sone
53.   Robarte iiij li[bre]. she also to have uppon the saide Robarte my sonne haye and strawe for her cattall during
54.   the space and terme of v yeres. And yf she doe not marry/Also I will and bequeath to Jone my eldest
55.   doughter xx li[bre] and one bedd wh[er]eof xvj li[bre] to be paied at the daye of her marriage and the other fower
56.   poundes within one yere after. Also I will and bequeathe unto margaret my seconde doughte[r] xx li[bre]
57.   wherof xv li[bre] to be paied at the daye of her marriage and five poundes within one yere after. Also I
58.   will and bequeathe to Anne my thirde doughter xx li[bre] wherof xv li[bre] to be paied at the daye of her mariage
59.   and five poundes to be paied within one yere after. Also I will and bequeathe unto Jane my doughter
60.   xx li[bre]. wherof xv li[bre] to be paied at the daye of her marriage. And v li[bre]. to be paied within one yere
61.   after. Also I will and bequeath unto Marie my doughter xx li[bre] wherof xv li[bre] to be paied at the day
62.   of her marriage and v li[bre] within one yere after. Provided alwaies and I will that yf hit chaunce
63.   Jone Margaret Anne Jane and Marie my doughters to die or any of them within one yere next afte[r]
64.   theire marriage that then I will that theire or her parte or partes of bequestes so beinge behinde
65.   shall still remaine in the handes of myne executor unpaied. Also I will that yf any of my doughters
66.   doe die before theire marriage then I will that the one half of her parte or theire partes so dieinge
67.   shalbe devided amonge my other doughters then lyvinge by Even porc[i]ons and the other half to
68.   remaine still in the handes of myne executor. Also I will and bequeath to John my sonne all my
69.   coppie holde lande that I have lyenge within the parrishe of westmersey duringe his lyef and
70.   to his Sonne of his boddie lawfully begotten called martells and brewers greate Carsers Nicottes
71.   and Churchemans with theire app[ur]ten[au]nces to any of them belonginge in as large and ample man[n]e[r]
72.   as John wilson of the saide Towne nowe the same landes howldeth and occupieth w[hi]ch saide John
73.   wilson I will shall holde the saide landes for the same yerely rente that he nowe paieth me during
74.   the terme of iiij yeres after my death doinge no other waste in the houses and wooddes then he
75.   hath done in my tyme. Also I will unto the same John my sonne thre score sheepe, that is to
76.   saye xxx yonge ewes and xxx lambes And I give to the saide John vj kyne ij bullockes of a yere

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77.   olde and the vantage ij weinelles of halfe a yere olde and upwarde A geldinge and a mare all these to be delivered
78.   within one yere after my decease by myne Executors. Provided allwaies that yf John my sonne doe channce to
79.   die withoute a sonne of his boddie lawfully begotten then I will that henrie my sonne have all the saide coppie
80.   holde landes in westmersaye aforesaide. Also I give to henrie my sonne all my freelande lyenge in westmersey
81.   with the barne and marshes meddowes wooddes and gardens therto belonginge in as lardge and ample manner
82.   as I boughte them of Grigore Smithe and welthiane his wief called barons otherwise Dowes at his age
83.   of xxj yeres. Also I will and bequeath unto the same henry CC [two hundred] sheepe, that is to saye C [a hundred] ewe sheepe and
84.   five score yonge wethers xx kyne and xx bullockes. ij oxen and ij . horses or geldinges . And be hit farther
85.   provided and I will that yf henrie my sonne doe die or he com to his age of xxj yeres or at any tyme after
86.   withoute A sonne of his boddie lawfully begotten, then I will that George my sonne shall have all the
87.   landes before bequeathed to my sonne henrie both free and coppie. And yf hit chaunce the saide George my
89.   Sonne to die before he come to the age of xxj yeres or at any tyme afore withoute \a/ sone of his boddie lawf=
90.   ully begotten, then I will that all the foresaide landes both free and coppie to him bequeathed shall then
91.   remaine to Robarte my sonne and to the heires of his boddie lawfully begotten fo[r] ev[er]. And for lacke of
92.   heries of his boddie lawfully begotten , then I will all the saide landes afore rehersed or any other to hym be=
93.   queathed to remaine to the nexte of my bludd. Item I will and bequeath to the foresaide George my sonne my
94.   howse called warestocke howse, with a garden therto belonginge. And also a parcell of grounde called the
95.   great Grove with ij Croftes called lynnetes Croftes. Also I give to the saide George my sonne an other
96.   howse with one acre of lande called Gales lyenge in moch wigborowe with also ij Croftes called met=
97.   feldes by estimac[i]on v acres, be hit more or lesse and a Crofte of landd called Podes Crofte bye estimac[i]on
98.   iij Acres, to hym duringe his lyef and to his Sonne of his boddie lawfully begotten .provided yf hit cha[u]nnce
99.   the saide George my sonne to die before he come to the age of xxj yeres or at any tyme afte[r] withoute a sonne
100.   of his boddie laufully begotten , then I will all the foresaide landes to hym bequeathed shall remaine to
101.   Robarte my sonne and to his heires of his boddie laufully begotten forev[er]. Item I give to the saide George
102.   my sonne CC sheepe, that ys to saie five score wethers of ij yeres olde and fiftie ewes and fiftie lambes
103.   Item I give to the saide George my son xx Steeres of the age of three yeres and xx ti kyne of fower
104.   or five yeres olde and xv. steeres and bullockes of one yeres olde and upwarde iiij oxen iiij mares or geldinges
105.   ij beddes with all thinges there unto belonginge wherof the one to be a fetherbed the other a mattris/ All
106.   these parcelles aforesaide as well of landes as also of goodes to hym bequeathed to remaine in the handes of
107.   myne executor untill the saide George my Sonne be of the full and parfect age of xxj yeres. The residue of
108.   all my gooddes moveable and unmoveable not bequeathed with all manner of debts and duties due unto me or
109.   herafter to be due with also the leace of my farme at Fingringho and the stocke of the same farme and all
110.   other my landes or leases before not bequeathed within the parrishe of moche wigborow or else where I
111.   give them to Robarte bullocke my sonne and to the heries of his laufully begotten fo[r] ever. whome I ordain
112.   and make the executor of this my present will and Testament yf the saide Robarte bullocke doe fulfill
113.   my saide will and Testamente accordinge to the true meaninge and purpose of the same. Provided yf Rob[ar]t
114.   my sonne doe not fulfill performe and kepe this my saide will and Testamente in everie article clause &
115.   pointe that then this gifte to the saide Robarte as well of goodes as landes to be voide and of none effecte
116.   in the lawe. And the saide Robarte my sonne to be clerely dismissed and expulsed for ever and then I will
117.   that Thoams Sammes of Totham hawle and John wilson of westmersey shall see this my presente
118.   will and Testamente fulfilled performed and kept accordinge to the true meaninge of the same And also
119.   the saide Thomas Sammes and John wilson shall devide the saide gooddes and leases before bequethed
120.   to my saide Sonne Robarte bullocke equally betwene henry bullocke and George bullocke my Sonnes
121.   with allso all my landes before given and bequeathed to my saide Sonne Robarte they shall devide them
122.   betwene the foresaide henrie and George my Sonnes to them and to the heires of theire boddies laufully
123.   begotten for ever. provided alwaies that yf the saide Robarte my sonne wilbe gently advertised and
124.   ordred by them or eyther of them in performinge of this my saide will and Testamente that then

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125.   neither the saide Thomas nor John shall have pow[er] or acthoritie to dismis or expulse the saide Robet bullocke
126.   my sonne from my foresaide gift of gooddes leases and landes. Then I will and require the saide Thomas Sammes
127.   John Wilson and Robarte Certeyne person of moch wigborowe to be supervisors of this my presente testam[en]t
128.   And \they/ to be eyders and helpers of my saide sonne Robarte as my faithfull trust is in them. And for theire paines
129.   I give to everie one of them xl sh. to be paied by myne executor within one yere after my buriall. These witnes
130.   Anthony Forrest vicar of Fingringho Robarte Certeine person of moche wigborow and Thomas Stace w[i]t[h]
131.   other moe, the daye and the yere above written. The surrender of all my Coppie holde landes within west
132.   mersey beinge delivered to the use of this my laste will and testamente into the handes of Thomas Stace
133.   in the steed of the lordes bailif and in the presence of John wilson and will[ia]m Tybb ten[au]ntes of the same lorde
134.   shipp the daye and yere above written . Also the surrender of all my Coppie holde landes within the parrish
135.   of moche wigborow beinge delivered the daye and yere above saide to the use of this my laste will and testament
136.   in to the handes of John Ardley in stede of the Lordes balif and in the presence of John Songo[ur] and George
137.   Songo[ur] ten[au]ntes of the same lordshipp. witnes Anthony Forrest and Robarte Certeyng clerkes with oth[er]
138.   moo [ie more]

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Abstract of Bullock Wills
Bullock family of Great Wigborough

Keywordsbullock, west mersea, salcott, wigborough, fingringhoe, Little Totham, ardeley
SourceMersea Museum