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 Another of my grandmother's siblings was Rose Smith (1886-1976). She was born after the family moved from Fingringhoe to Strood House and Cottage, where her father Joseph worked as a sea waller. She married Leonard Reynolds (1882-1957), who worked in an iron foundry, and they lived in Gladstone Road in Colchester
 [Peter Mussett 5] 
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

"Another of my grandmother's siblings was Rose Smith (1886-1976). She was born after the family moved from Fingringhoe to Strood House and Cottage, where her father Joseph worked as a sea waller. She married Leonard Reynolds (1882-1957), who worked in an iron foundry, and they lived in Gladstone Road in Colchester [Peter Mussett 5]

Photo: Peter Mussett
Image ID PMT_013
Category 1 Families-->Mussett


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.