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 Emma Smith (née Beaumont) 1846-1929, born in Beaumont-cum-Moze, married Joseph Smith (1848-1922) in 1866, lived with him in Fingringhoe, where her 10 children were born, then from the 1890's in Strood House. [Peter Mussett 10] 
Cat1 Families-->Mussett

Emma Smith (née Beaumont) 1846-1929, born in Beaumont-cum-Moze, married Joseph Smith (1848-1922) in 1866, lived with him in Fingringhoe, where her 10 children were born, then from the 1890's in Strood House. [Peter Mussett 10]

Photo: Peter Mussett
Image ID PMT_025
Category 1 Families-->Mussett


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.