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 William (Bill) Mussett (1876-1965) (on left) on his fishing smack 64CK IDA. She was 38 ft., built by the Aldous shipyard in Brightlingsea in 1876. She was named after Bill's older sister Ida (1869-1952), who spent her life in service, then retired to live next to Bill and Emma in Myrtle Villas, which stood opposite the bus station in West Mersea High Street. [Peter Mussett 12]

Ron Green ...
Cat1 Families-->Mussett Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys

William (Bill) Mussett (1876-1965) (on left) on his fishing smack 64CK IDA. She was 38 ft., built by the Aldous shipyard in Brightlingsea in 1876. She was named after Bill's older sister Ida (1869-1952), who spent her life in service, then retired to live next to Bill and Emma in Myrtle Villas, which stood opposite the bus station in West Mersea High Street. [Peter Mussett 12]

Ron Green tells us the IDA was sold up river to Heybridge Basin or Maldon. She ended her days being broken up at Maylandsea.

Photo: Peter Mussett
Image ID PMT_031
Category 1 Families-->Mussett
Category 2 Smacks and Bawleys


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.